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Active Contributor

Hi All,


Hope you people are doing great,I have jotted down the process of asset cut over assuming that prerequisites for asset upload are at place(All configuration for Asset in Sfin as there are many dicussion/document for the same).



Asset Cut over process has changed since inception of sFin S4 Hana.


Earlier we use to upload asset master data and take over value through AS91 and for posting any JV entry we use to use OASV.


Now in sFin S4 Hana the upload process has changed,OASV  T code has been removed from the system. In AS91 transaction type field has been removed.


A new T code has been introduced for uploading values for asset i.e ABLDT.


One can use AS91 to create asset master and then can use ABLDT for uploading the values of that asset only if there are few number of asset (which is not possible practically) and one cannot even make LSMW or BDC for the T code ABLDT so practically using AS91 and ABLDT is not possible in sFin.


For creation and uploading takeover values use BAPI_FIXEDASSET_OVERTAKE_CREATE, this BAPI will create the asset master as well as upload the values simultaneously(Of course you need to take help of ABAPER for mapping the fields of BAPI and making a z Tcode for uploading the asset).


Please find the attached file of BAPI.(BAPI Aset previous year and BAPI asset current year),I have attached .txt format as .xls format is not supported,please copy and paste n excel for having better understanding of the BAPI file.


Now when you upload Asset (if company is going live in mid-year) then the accounting entries will be as follows. If company is going live in year-end then there is no problem as there will not be any ordinary depreciation.


Here all the entries are fine except that the ordinary depreciation is not hitting the expense account (5 series ordinary deprecation account).

For doing this you need to create a JV using F-02


The entry should go according to cost center level and entry will be.


Ordinary Dep A/C  dr (5 series GL)

To Upload A/c (9 series GL)



Hope this will be helpful for all.

Any Suggestions or Critics will be highly appreciated as this will help me to Improve in Future.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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A confusion for most of the consultants on S/4HANA finance projects. This will really help many in the fraternity.

Keep up the good work  vincent007 Thanks for sharing


Sanil Bhandari

Active Contributor
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Hi Sanil,

Thanks a lot for your kind words which keeps me motivating.



Former Member
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Hi Ranu, As Sanil rightly said, New asset accounting really a grey area for many real-time consultants after S/4HANA Finance introduction. This document will throw more light on this area. Very information and useful. Keep sharing... BTW, I want to ask you one thing relating to NEW Asset Accounting as how you are dealing with different fiscal year variant in S/4 HANA Finance as we have this limitation that Non leading ledger fiscal year variant cannot be different with leading ledger fiscal year variant Regards Karthikeyan

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Hi Karthikeyan,

Thanks for your encouraging words.

Well to be very frank I did not had this scenario(was lucky not to have :wink: ) but there is one note released by SAP I guess.

SAP note 2220152 - Ledger approach and Asset Accounting (new): Non-calendar fiscal year variant for parallel valuation



Former Member
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Thanks for sharing the document... It will help a lot in HANA implementation but one thing i would like that why SAP has not allowed to get LSMW,BDC for ABLDT.. Don't you think it wierd thing?? D

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Abhay,

Thanks for encouraging words.

Yes there is no LSMW or BDC for ABLDT which is bit weird.



0 Kudos

Great Document, Ranu... :smile:

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Thanks for your kind words. :smile:



Great Ranu and appreciated the details.
Active Contributor
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Thanks Bala for your kind and encouraging words.

0 Kudos
Thanks Ranu for sharing the knowledge. It really helps every one.
I have a question.  As per my understanding, Data migration to S/4 Hana is required only in cases of migrating from Non SAP to S/4 Hana. But from ECC to S/4 Hana, data base can be migrated using SLT by Basis team. Correct me if I am wrong.
Active Participant
Hi Ranu


Thanks for sharing this updates on S4HANA relating to Asset Accounting.

It is a big draw back /grey Area to all FI Consultant  on upgrade from ECC 6.0 to SAP-S4 HANA in AA point of view.

Uploading of AA Master data /cut over values is very big confusion/difficult process to all (not like earlier AS91)...just  Live with it...

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Irala,


Thanks for your kind words.

Yes you are absolutely right as this is big grey area and we have to live with it. 🙂


0 Kudos
Great work Ranu, i'm stuck on asset uploading for two days. and you have said it is done using the BAPI, but i can't find the attached .txt file, was it removed?
Active Contributor
Hi Salo,


I think it has been removed.




Good work Ranu ,it will be of great help to all those working in S4HANA projects.

*** Just a minor correction , you have stated BAPI name as-


Additionally we can also refer below notes pertains to asset legacy upload :-

  • 2208321
  • 2235848
  • 2331123


Kind Regards,



Former Member
0 Kudos
Hello Ranu,

Hello togheter,


thx very much for your comments. actual i am trying to migrate datas trough LSMW and the mentioned "BAPI_FIXEDASSET_OVERTAKE_CREATE" and it works fine. The only Problem is that i don´t know how to migrate the takeover values for more than one depreciation area simulataneously (there is only one target field). Can somebody help me ?


Best regards


0 Kudos


Hi Ranu


Thanks for your sharing .

Do you know whether can  i transfer legacy data directly from a Microsoft Excel file into S/4 System? i search this article and fellow its step & structure

but i meet some question without solving.I am not sure this t-code AS100 using normally in s/4,I expect  you to give me some suggestion as well as  using ‘BAPI_FIXEDASSET_OVRTAKE_CREATE.'

thank you a lot and hoping your reply.
0 Kudos
Thank You
Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Ranu,


I can't find the attached files of BAPI.(BAPI Aset previous year and BAPI asset current year).

Could you please send them to me on my personal mail hassan.randa@gmail.com

Thanks in advance,

Randa Hassan
Former Member
0 Kudos
Hello Randa,

Were you able to receive the file? I was looking for it also...


Hi Ranu,

Very useful your information, thank you very much
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Maria,


Thanks for your kind and encouraging words.



0 Kudos
Hi Ranu

Thanks for sharing this knowledge article.

I am executing BAPI_FIXEDASSET_OVRTAKE_CREATE and getting error message F5 611 "Acct determination for Additional accounts for Asset Accounting with keys not defined in ch/acts 1000 "

Do you know why this error occurs ? I have done configuration as per note 2331123.

Also what are settings required for IDoc in this process.


Former Member
0 Kudos
Nice Information Ranu!!!



Rohit Yadav
0 Kudos



Hi Ranu,


I can’t find the attached files of BAPI.(BAPI Aset previous year and BAPI asset current year).

Could you please send them to me on my personal mail  manoj_020@yahoo.co.in.

Thanks in advance,


Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Ranu,


Very helpful information! I cannot see the attached document. Can somebody please send me these files : chemlal.amal@gmail.com

Thank you in advance

0 Kudos
Hi Ranu,

Thanks you so much for more useful and helpful information 🙂

Please send me the txt and exl formats to my mail id Lnarayana2008@gmail.com. which will be more helpful for me.



Lakshmi Narayana


Former Member
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Hi Ranu,

Thanks a lot for  sharing such a wonderful information about the asset migration process in S4 Hana.

Could you share the text file for uploading in my mentioned mail id - debadutta.bbsr@gmail.com.

I would also request the forum ,if any one has the file please share.



Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Ranu,

I am Using the BAPI as mentioned above but when we are mainatining values in Cumulative table  system is not updating the values.

COuld you please send me the file of BAPI.(BAPI Aset previous year and BAPI asset current year) over my email ID please date.abhay@gmail.com
Former Member
0 Kudos
Could any one please help to know what is the difference between the BAPI Aset previous year and BAPI asset current year

Hi Ranu,

Thanks you so much for information.

I am currently using transaction AS100, it works correctly for load.
Has anyone ever used it?

Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Ranu,

Really very useful your information on legacy asset upload  thank you very much

Could you share the text/excel file for uploading in my mentioned mail id – abdul.aby@gmail.com
0 Kudos

Hi Ranu,

Really very useful your information on legacy asset upload. Thank you very much for sharing the information

Could you share the text/excel file for uploading in my mentioned mail id – maheshwarichandan19@gmail.com


0 Kudos
Can you please send the file to ktnob@hotmail.com.

I am supporting an Asset Data Migration during fiscal year for S4CORE 102 environment,

Thanks a lot! Kind regards,

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Eudes,

Thanks for update.

Which version of S4HANA you are working on.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Abhay,

When I created this document then I had attached the format files (BAPI Aset previous year and BAPI asset current year) in .xls and .txt but during migration of SCN from old version to new version the file got removed, so those two are names of files which I had attached.


Hope it's clear now.



Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Ranu,

Thanks a lot for sharing information about the asset migration process in S4 HANA.

Could you share the text files for uploading on my email id – atifamin103@gmail.com



Atif Amin

0 Kudos
Hi Ranu,

This is really helpful to understand how to upload asset value in S/4 Hana. Because im new in S/4 Hana. Btw, how can i find BAPI_FIXEDASSET_OVRTAKE_CREATE in SAP? and can you send to me the template to Jonah.William.Chi@gmail.com
Thank you very much

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Greetings,  Requesting if you can attach/share the txt files mentioned in blog.
Former Member
0 Kudos
Great hardwork keep it all.
0 Kudos
Thanks for the detailed information Ranu, can you please re-attach the file format you mentioned in first post?


0 Kudos
Hi Ranu,

Would it be possible for you to send me the file format. Thanks a lot for the article
0 Kudos
Forgot to mention my email :    atul.bhatnagar@gmail.com

0 Kudos
Very helpful information! I cannot see the attached document. Can somebody please send me these files : psdb2227@gmail.com 


Thanks & Regards.

0 Kudos

Hi All,


Can any one share the file to mohamednau@gmail.com

0 Kudos
thanks for blog
0 Kudos
Hi, Pls. Share the file to souvikchatterjee@live.com.

Great to study this and enriched from your valued effort and I heartily appreciate it.
0 Kudos
Hola! Mi email es mebatistutti@hotmail.com


Podrian enviarme el archivo a mi mail? Por favor, se los agradecería
0 Kudos
nice presentation., can u share some pdf file relating the same to rjaganathangopal@yahoo.co.in
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