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Deleting Sales Orders replicated from SAP S4 to SAp C4C


Hello experts,

I hope you're doing well and safe, please i havae an issue with deleting Sales Orders that was replicated from SAP S4 to SAP C4C, we want to do that because the replication hasn't been done corectly, we raised an inccident, and the answer was '''Send a dummy delete request to the Sales Order/Quote A2A service to delete the Sales Order/Quote in C4C.''

Can someone please help with that, what are the steps to follow to do this ?

Thank you,


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Hi Bartosz,

Hope this finds you well.

The above example that you have quoted to send a dummy request from SOAP for deleting the ERP related orders in C4C, I just wanted to know can we do that from SDK for large number of orders in a scenario where we don't need the orders which are older that 3 months or 6 months as the volume of orders placed every day is high.

Thank you,


Active Contributor

Hi rocky.sharma1994,
Unfortunately I do not know how to achieve that using SDK however I would rather suggest to create a custom report in your sender system that would generate simplified IDoc message causing deletion Sales Order from C4C.
Attribute actionCode is set based on value of field OPERATION in segment E101COD_S_REP_SLSORD_DATA thus if you generated IDoc message with value of OPERATION that equals '003' it would generate a deletion request in C4C.
In sender system you have all required information to decide for which orders deletion information should be generated.
Report for IDoc generation is already in place in ECC, deletion process is handled in C4C and you have a monitoring in place thus I somehow think it is a better option than handling it using SDK.