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Custom backoffice extension and unit tests.

Former Member
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I would like to run junit tests with ant goal ant unittests -Dtestclasses.extensions=mybackoffice but I see that probably this goal looks only for test classes in testsrc folder but in backoffice extension we have folder stucture like this backoffice/testsrc folder. Is any possibility to enforce that ant goal will see annotated junit classes in backoffice extension?

Regards, Miroslaw

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this is a known issue and we have it in our backlog. For now the only option is to run the tests manually from your IDE or have a hand crafted plan on your CI. Please also keep in mind that running integration tests may be problematic (classloader and Spring context isses will definitely appear).

Full support will be added, nevertheless for now you have to be aware that the tests are not run ootb and have limitations.

Cheers, Wojtek

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Hi Wojtek, do you have an information when this will be available? Maybe a JIRA-Ticket or something like this? thnx a lot Stefan