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Activity creation (Visits)

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Dear All,

While creating visit with reference to the campaign(promotions), I want to save the campaign ID in the reference field of the activity(visit) header.

Can anybody tell me how do I acheive this. 

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How are you creating these activities via end-user in webclient or via a bulk load?  For the bulk load scenario you just need to insert a new entry into the doc flow table that references the campaign.  For a hint the docflow table entry is going to use the BUS2010020 as a VONA, VORGAENGER

reference back to the guid of the related campaign.  No BADI is needed to achieve this, I believe as the standard create API should support this.

Take care,


0 Kudos

Thanks Stephen!

Acitvity will be created in REX, this will be done by going to schedule/week/promotions and dragging and dropping the customer from the target group into the calendar, hence creating a visit.

However, when we do this, this does not create the needed link in back end between the activity and campaign (basically, it should create the campaign ID on the reference field on the header of the activity).

This is needed to be able to follow up if the sales reps reached their goals, after the campaign has run.

I guess I am missing some configurations in CRM between campaign and acitivity.  Do I have to do any specific configs in REx or CRM?  Please let me know.

Needed urgently.
