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Backoffice: Change the order of locales on localized attributes


We are using a bunch of locales in our SAP Commerce instance. After updating to 20.05, our previous customization of changing the ordering not really works anymore, the localized values are now in random order (or at least I don't see any pattern):

Previously, it was possible to override the BackofficeLocaleService and rearrange the locales according to our needs. But now this method is used to get the locales, but the ordering is ignored. Is there any possiblility to change the order of the languages in the localized editor?

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Hi, Jan

I have the same issue, did you find a solution?

Thank you.

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Not yet...

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we have the same problem, has anyone found a solution?

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We tried to contact SAP Support, but got no luck and according to the SAP Support we should contact an SAP consultant to implement a custom implementation...

Let me know if you find a workaround or a solution!

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Hello, we also have the same problem. After switching from 1811 to 2105 the ordering of localizedAttributes switched to "random". Only the LanguageSelection-Widget on top-right seems to be ordered by Language-Label.

previously: All lists were consistently sorted by the locale-keys like "de". Only the current-Locale moved on top.

Now: Even in the Backoffice itself (Locales-Selection top-right; Multi-Lang-Attribute; Bulk ex/imports), the ordering is not consistent anymore.

It seems like the sequence isn't fixed anymore due to internal handling with maps/sets and missing sorting before rendering.

Let us know if there is a solution or anyone get a workaround!

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you need to extend com.hybris.cockpitng.editor.localized.LocalizedEditor and then in your custom editor you have to override getReadableLocales and getWriteableLocales methods

These method, in standard code, use HashSet which does not guarantee order.  When you override them you have to, for the retained locales, sort them and then collect them into a Set implementation that retains order e.g LinkedHashSet


	protected Set<Locale> getReadableLocales(final EditorContext editorContext)
		return getLocales(editorContext.getReadableLocales());

	protected Set<Locale> getWriteableLocales(final EditorContext editorContext)
		return getLocales(editorContext.getWritableLocales());

	private Set<Locale> getLocales(final Set<Locale> contextValue)
		final Set<Locale> locales = Optional.ofNullable(contextValue)
		final List<Locale> enabledDataLocales = getCockpitLocaleService().getEnabledDataLocales(getCockpitUserService().getCurrentUser());
			// Sort & Use LinkedHashSet to retain order
			// the call to this then ensures the session locale is rendered first
			// followed by all other locales, based on the order of the set



After this you then need to create the definition.xml for your custom editor (basically copy the standard LocalizedEditor definition - below - and tweak it with your custom package and class name)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 Copyright (c) 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved
<editor-definition id="com.hybris.cockpitng.editor.localized" << change the id

	<name>Localized Editor</name>
	<description>Localized Editor</description>
	<author>hybris</author> << change
	<editorClassName>com.hybris.cockpitng.editor.localized.LocalizedEditor</editorClassName> << change


then you have to register the editor (in backoffice spring file) as the default editor, so it overrides the standard one


	<alias name="coreBackofficeEditorRegistry" alias="editorRegistry"/>
	<bean id="coreBackofficeEditorRegistry" parent="simpleEditorRegistry">
		<property name="defaultEditorMapping">
			<map merge="true" key-type="java.lang.String" value-type="java.lang.String">
				<entry key="^Localized\((.*)\)$" value=" TOUR CLASSNAME / EDITOR ID"/>


Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 14.28.50.png