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How to upload interactions referring to a product in Sap Marketing Cloud using data file load app

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Hi All,

For testing purposes I was trying to enrich our SAP Marketing cloud test environment with profiles and interaction data. I have loaded corporate accounts, contacts, product categories, products and so on to the system using the data file load app.

Now I want to upload interactions referring to certain products. Like the interaction ''product review read'' or ''sales order'' for instance. In which field can I refer to a product ID? Tried some of the target attributes below, but it does not seem to work.

Now I can see this info in the interaction: I'm missing out on information about product details.

Does anyone know how (or if it is even possible) to enrich the interaction data with the product info? Please help me out!

Thanks in advance!

Kind Regards,

Teun van den Elzen

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)


Hello Teun,

in Data File Load app you can only map to the available fields in "Target Attribute". As you already realised for interactions no mapping to products exists. Meaning it is not possible add a product to an interaction with app Data File Load.

Remark: If you have defined extension fields for interaction object you will see them also in list of "Target Attribute". Just for info, but this not solve your issue.

As alternative you could use an CSV based iFlow: SAP Marketing Cloud Integration With File Based Data Load

With the interaction iFlow you can per standard assign several products to an interaction, like a sales order with multiple products.

I hope this helps.

Best Regards, Axel

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Hi Axel,

Thanks for your comment! Just what I already expecte; Not possible with the data file load app.

I will try to upload the interactions by using the CSV based iFlow.

Kind Regards,

Teun van den Elzen


Hi Teun,

there is also an older blog from Eileen which does not need CPI/ Iflows and instead uses SOAP UI.

Maybe for a POC it is easier.



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Hi Maik,

Thanks! The setup of the SFTP and Iflow is indeed a lot of work, just to get some data into the system. 😉

Do you know if the deprecated communication arrangements in the blog from Eileen still work? And do you have by any chance the SOAP UI project XML? The link in the blog and the ones in the comments below the blog have expired. If not I will ask for it in that blog.

Thanks in advance!

Kind Regards,

Teun van den Elzen

Answers (4)

Answers (4)

Active Contributor

Hi Teun,

You must have products and categories already in your system to record prod interactions!

Please refer to SAP Help page - Data File Load.

best regards,


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Hi Kunal,

Thanks for your reply. I already uploaded product hierarchy, category and products, but as Axel stated there is no such way to refer to this products in the data file load app.

Kind Regards,

Teun van den Elzen

0 Kudos

Hi Arun,

You can try using the API INTERACTION instead of Business documents referring to example

Payload Examples for Interactions - SAP Help Portal


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Hi saurabhkabra2009

Problem description : When user try to post data for a Custom interaction type from postman app- not able to post data in SMC Q tenant.Error message : Invalid communication medium • Kindly confirm where is the issue occurring ? • Is the communication medium need to be proper?• Or the api url for custom interaction should be different?Expected : User need to view data in SMC successfullyPayload used in REquest: { "Id": "1", "Timestamp": "2022-02-27T12:37:04.0000000", "SourceSystemType": "PENTASENSER", "SourceSystemId": "PENTASENSER", "BusinessDocuments": [ { "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "InternalObjectType": "POINTS_ADDED_LATER", "ExternalObjectType": "1", "ExternalId": "10052223022022", "ExternalStatusCode": "1", "CommunicationMedium": "Web", "ContactIdOrigin": "PENTASENSER_CONTACTS", "ContactId": "120000000000001", "YY1_CampaignRegistrati_MIA": "2022-02-22T15:30:25", "YY1_FileID_MIA": "00005123", "ActionCode": "04", "StatusCode": "04", "ExternalTimeStamp": "2022-02-27T12:37:04.0000000" } ]}REsponse received:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><error xmlns=""> <code>/IWCOR/CX_DS_EP_PROPERTY_ERROR/00505692409C1ED6B8FE112855048EDA</code> <message xml:lang="en">Property 'CommunicationMedium' is invalid</message> <innererror> <application> <component_id>CEC-MKT-DM-IA</component_id> <service_namespace>/SAP/</service_namespace> <service_id>CUAN_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_IMP_SRV</service_id> <service_version>0003</service_version> </application> <transactionid>3F9AEE27D0F900D0E00621A7BB9F91DA</transactionid> <timestamp>20220227145124.5343630</timestamp> <Error_Resolution> <SAP_Transaction>For backend administrators: use ADT feed reader "SAP Gateway Error Log" or run transaction /IWFND/ERROR_LOG on SAP Gateway hub system and search for entries with the timestamp above for more details</SAP_Transaction> <SAP_Note>See SAP Note 1797736 for error analysis (</SAP_Note> </Error_Resolution> <errordetails/> </innererror></error>
0 Kudos


Uploading inetraction along with rpoducts in not possible as of now within data load app. For test purpose you can try to leverage Public odata API API_MKT_INTERACTION_SRVto push the data from extrenal rest client (like Postman) as JSON/xml body to SAP Marketing Cloud.

Just in case if you want to simulate the scenario please refer the sample payloads here: