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Extendet field in RUI LiveActivity

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello, Experts!

I have difficulties in mapping extension fields in the activity panel in RUI
Fields that I added to the activity bar. They work fine in HTML5.

Further I updated them in RUI. The screen

When the panel is open and I DO NOT simulate the call, the list fields are active. Screen , and I can make a choice in list.

After simulating a call, I can not make a choice in the extension list. The fields are gray, not editable. Screen

Please clarify what I'm doing wrong?
Maybe a problem with Fiori?

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0 Kudos


We had to create an Anchor on the custom embedded component . We were then able to expose the EC in the UI and add the KUT Live activity fields

Hope this helps !


Shankar Raj

0 Kudos


Did you find a solution to this? i'm having a similar issue

Per SAP note :

2698620 - Extension Field Is Grayed Out in Live Activity in Fiori

This is as framework current limitation. The functionality is planned to be enhanced and at this point in time, we are not in a position to provide more accurate information on date and/or timelines for this.

As a current workaround, an Embedded Component can be created, with the extension fields inside the ECs. This way the extension fields are editable.
