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What is your favorite dish or snack?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello Everyone,

Today I would like to raise for discussion and sharing one of my most favorite topics: Cooking! (food:)). Since I was 5-6 years old I started cooking. I was amazed by the ability to make the treats and the food I liked the most, on my own. Although my skills were quite limited at the time I really enjoyed cooking:). I didn't abandon this passion and over the last few years I took it one step further and started making  my favorite snacks (that you would usually buy in a bag) and finger food like:

Bissli- Spicy fried pasta


Falafel- Fried chickpea mixture 


Shakshuka- Tomato sauce with poached eggs 


Hummus- I think I don't need to explain this one:)


Sweet Potato Chips


Pita bread


I was even fortunate to conduct a virtual cooking workshop for approx. 200+ people and I was relived that the Pita bread came out just as expected :).

I'd be happy to share with you the recipes if you'd be interested :). But more importantly I would love to hear what is your favorite dish that you enjoy cooking or snack:).

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Hi from PA! Don’t miss cheese steaks in Philly 

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I don't mix cheese and meat but I'm sure it's delicious. I wonder if replacing it with coconut cream would taste similar  (maybe with Grained black pepper)

Community Manager
Community Manager

Today I would like to share something I'm very proud of:

My mud oven:)


 This oven is completely ecological as I used only different types of sand and dried weeds to build it.

This how the construction phase looked like (2-3 weeks of letting it dry while adding layers):


 And except for its majestic appearance I really enjoy with a glass of wine, I used it together with pebbles to make Frena bread (North African originated) :


The heat contained in the pebbles creates a bread with a special texture:


 It tastes amazing when you eat it fresh.




I really like your mud oven @moshenaveh and the bread looks just yummy! Thanks for sharing! 😊

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Thanks a lot Svea. It is still there although we had a couple of rain sessions

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Maybe built a little roofing above 😅

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Active Contributor

Sharing herewith some of the great gujarati snacks dishes.

Gujarati cuisine is one of the the oldest culinary treasures of India and is primarily vegetarian. It offers a wide variety of vegetarian dishes, each with its unique cooking style, different kinds of pickles, farsans, chutneys and foods that are always high on nutritional value. But the real essence of Gujarati food lies in the creative use of everyday vegetables and mild spices.

Recipe for different styles of Dhoklas

Thanks a lot for sharing. I'm so amazed and impressed by the Indian cuisine. I see it as some sort of sophisticated chemistry and how you need to be exact.  Everything! The sweets, snacks (every time I visited India I would by dozen bags for home:) and main dishes.  A couple of years ago I was in Goa and took a cooking workshop and I really enjoyed making chapatis. I also had a couple of attempts to make Indian food on my own. Here is one example (coated peanuts snacks) :

The spices mix::

20201214_114039 (1)spices.jpg

And closer to how it looked at the end:

20201214_122030 (1)peanutbefore.jpg

Then I fried the coated peanuts but I didn't get same crispy texture I was after but they weren't bad:)  

 The Dhoklas look amazing, tasty and healthy so I will try making them on my own, Thanks again.


Wow coated peanuts looks delicious.  Thanks for sharing it. You should visit Gujarat state when you visit India next time. I am sure you will enjoy gujarati dishes over here along with some great places to explore. 

Thanks a lot. I'm sure I will enjoy as every visit that I had to India was special and enriching.

Community Manager
Community Manager

The last couple of days I was drying and smoking peppers. One of the things I like about cooking at home is that you can make yourself special dishes that you would be thankful getting when going to an oriental restaurant. 

I started drying food this year when a neighbor of mine gave away a food dryer machine. Suddenly soon to be spoiled vegetables became homemade spices or yummy marinades and fruits became snacks. 

This week I had quite a few sweet green peppers and spicy green chili peppers. I decided to make some sort of spicy paste.

The first thing I did was to dry the spicy green chili peppers:

WhatsApp Image 2021-11-16 at 09.50.21.jpeg


Then I smoked the sweet green peppers and the dried spicy peppers:

WhatsApp Image 2021-11-16 at 09.30.05crop.jpg

 But then I discovered that I made a mistake by smoking the already dried spicy peppers which burned them. So, I thought that instead of making the past I was planning I will make a new version of Shakshuka with the spicy pepper I didn't manage burning and it was just so special:


WhatsApp Image 2021-11-16 at 09.30.05 (1)crop.jpg


Next time I will be successful in making the spicy paste which is called also Zhug  I will share photos and recipe

Community Manager
Community Manager

Speaking of peppers: I did the one-chip challenge back in September.

It wasn't pretty, and I wouldn't recommend it. (No, there aren't any pictures or video. I would never allow such evidence to exist. 🙂 )

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Product and Topic Expert

Banana bread muffins (because muffins bake faster :)) My go-to recipe:

  • 3 ripe bananas
  • 1 cup white whole wheat flour
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar (or 1/2 cup chopped dates)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • Pinch of salt

Preheat your oven to 180° C. Start by mashing the bananas with a fork and then mix in all the other ingredients (just until combined, don't overstir the batter) and bake at 180° C for about 20' (or until you start to smell the bananas) in a pre-greased muffin tin. You can use a toothpick to check if they are cooked in the center. And if you'd like to bake a banana bread, just leave it in for about 45'. That's it 🙂

Can't find any pictures, but you can see how they turn out here

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Community Administrator
Community Administrator

Been waiting for you post @cecihuergo - became kind of obvious the last couple of days that this thread was made for you 🙂

Great stuff and great clip!:)

Great video, @cecihuergo 
...and I want a spacious kitchen isle too 🤓

I'm making this! I shared the recipe with my son who is the baker of the family 🙂

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Nice! Good luck:)

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Everyone,

Recently I started eating more vegetables and reduced the amount of fried food and meat I consume. Along with exercise, it's the present I decided to give my self to my next birthday, which will mark an entry to a new zone:) . I would love to get recommendations for recipes I can make that will align with my new diet. I'll try sharing pics of some of those dishes and maybe even offer creative twists:)



I cannot support you with recipes but with exercises 😁
Good luck with your 'present' to your 'special' birthday - curious about the outcome 😊

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Thanks a lot. So far it was very successful.

If you have recommendations for stretching, that would be great.

Thank you

Sure, you can refer to my YouTube channel "Wellbeing by Svea Becker" - it's in German, but when you turn off the tone, you can just follow the video. There are 3 videos about stretching:

- morning stretch

- stretching 1

- stretching 2

Maybe you like it 😊

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Super. I actually enrolled to Yoga as well recently and I'm loving it:) It feels like a massage treatment when I'm done.

If You want to watch Your health You should dig into asian cuisine. Watched a Youtube vid about that, recently. Synopsis is that they use a plethora of different fruit and vegetables. By offering many different food your body shouldn't encounter lack of any nutritient. Which counters wild hunger. Means your body is content with quite small dishes. Even if You can't get the original ingrediences, perhaps you can adapt the idea...

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Cool. Thanks a lot for sharing. I will try to invent a dish that would combine as many fruits and vegetables as possible.

We oftentimes add a variety of fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts in our salad. Fruits seem to be quite uncommon in German green salad dishes, unless it's a carrot salad. We add at least an apple in thin slices. I know someone who makes salad 50% consisting of fruits. Last time we added blueberries and grapes, and that was surprisingly yummy, as the soft sweetness was in perfect harmony with the sourness of the vinegar. worth a try!

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Great idea! Will try it I hope next week:)

In my last holiday, the hotel had added avocado to the fruit salad - it was delicious! So it's more the other way around 😅

But in the past I have tried mozzarella/mango, asparagus with strawberry, apple in green salad, rocket salad with strawberries... and often we add nuts, too. Yummy! 😋

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Interesting combinations! 😋

As a snack, I enjoy the golden delicious variety of apple sliced and eaten together with red skin peanuts - it's a really nice combo as well, sometimes with some pumpkin seeds too.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Everyone!

I hope all of you are doing fine.

I want to start something fun where I would (or anyone else that would be interested)  ask you to challenge me with special dishes you encountered recently. I will then attempt to make one of them and upload the pictures here:) (too bad I can't share a piece:))

Recently I started eating more vegetarian food so vegetarian dishes would be appreciated. 

Thanks a lot:)

Community Manager
Community Manager
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Hello Everyone!

I'm going camping over the weekend. Any ideas for special dishes that can be cooked (or not cooked) while camping?



Not really a special dish but for picnic outside or during camping, I love fresh bread, cheese and olives and maybe some salami if you are not vegetarian 😉
And of course a glass of wine in my case 🍷

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I agree with you @sveabecker 

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Active Contributor

Moshe: "Car" camping, or "trail" camping? If the former, Dutch ovens are very handy. If the latter, pouches from the Indian grocery are handy.

This is a good reference for cast-iron pot cooking:

(there is a camel recipe in there, but no one I know has attempted that dish)


Here is my backpacking wood stove; also works great with charcoal pieces found in my used fire rings. I think I made rice in this pic.

2012-06-17 17.37.10.jpg0527201248a.jpg


Actually it was probably what you would classify as trail camping although I was quite steady in a music festival:) Before next time I do camping I'll dive into the link you sent. Thanks a lot.

I used a gas flame for cooking this time and the rice came out just like at home (better than I expected:)).Camping.jpg


Community Advocate
Community Advocate

This summer my new go-to dish is 'Pasta al limone', I first cooked it a few months ago and since then about 5-6 times! It's fast, easy and delicious. I use garlic, cream, juice of half a lemon, lemon zest and water in which the pasta boiled and a bit of salt. The dish topped with parmigiano, yummy. The lemon is the main ingredient that makes this dish so special and refreshing. For variation of this dish, simply add green veggies (e.g. zucchini, spinach etc.) or proteins (e.g. fish, shrimps, etc.) and it's perfect. 

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Sounds great! I'll have to try it. Lemon does have magic ability to make food special.