2014 Jan 19 4:14 PM
Dear All
I am core IT person .I am SAP SD consultant with 2 year of experience .I have previously other technology experience with Oracle DBA etc .
Having total 8+ years of experience company want me to handle bigger team of SAP implementation and proposals etc .
Can anybody advise me weather to continue my SD carrier or shall I go for SAP Management role ? Basically I am not sure about
SAP Mgt positions ..its industry expectations and carrier ahead.. .etc. I am confident in basic configuration in some areas .But I am confused which path I should choose. ? Kindly help .
2014 Jan 19 5:03 PM
You got good opportunity it is fine. But to go for management role if you complete atleast 5/6 years in consultant role you will have everything in your grip. If you have atleast 3/4 different industry experience it would be good.
2 years is not enough to go for a management role., what I feel.
Thanks & regards,
2014 Jan 20 6:09 AM
For managing SAP projects it does not required complete command over particular module, because you are not asked to do any configuration or customization.
Have seen people with out having SAP experience but they have other technology experience they are able to handling the SAP projects successfully.In your case you got both, So if you have some % of Management skills you can proceed further.
2014 Jan 20 6:55 AM
How many years of SAP management experience do you have?
Do you like this role?
2014 Jan 29 9:12 AM
I have 9+ total exp and yes I like the the role. I am interested in knowing carrier path .