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Project Euler is a website dedicated to computational problems intended to be solved with computer programs.

At the time of this writing, it includes over 400 problems, with a new one added every week.

Problems are of varying difficulty but each is solvable in less than a minute using an efficient algorithm on a modestly powered computer.

I have already solved some of the problem, mainly using J (a language in the APL family) or Python.

In 2012 I learned ABAP and to test my skill with it, I decide to solve some of the Project Euler problem using ABAP.

To be able to execute ABAP programs, I have installed a SAP NetWeaver Trial Version ABAP (Windows) under VirtualBox.

The problem 10 (Summation of primes) is the following:

The sum of the primes below 10 is 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17.

Find the sum of all the primes below one million.

I have posted an ABAP solution on the Project Euler Forum that can be accessed after having solved the problem (search for lanidrak, my userid in Project Euler).