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The Fourth Industrial Revolution has long been offering consumers advantages in many areas of life, from how they shop, eat, and generally tick daily tasks off the to-do list, to where they get advice. AI resides in pockets, purses, living rooms, and kitchens as voice assistants are familiar and trustworthy to a rising number of the population. Now, we have arrived to a point in time where it’s apparent that companies will begin seeing increases in productivity, pay scale, and the overall efficiency of essential processes.

Today, with conversational apps, we can start postulating how this will impact daily operations in business over the next 15 or so years.

The conversational layer is now streamlined, and employees have no need to traverse a variety of applications. This is in line with the increased amount of automation we’ve seen in the workplace, except arguably much more revolutionary.

Conversational Applications Optimize Human Collaboration

One massive benefit to these advancements is how complementary it is to, and in some cases has sprung from, other technologies. For instance, the machine learning aspect has made it possible for conversational applications to use the innovation of AI in order to optimize human collaboration. Workflow is improved, and data is more effectively and securely managed. All of this gives the idea that as new concepts roll out, they can be easily integrated or partnered together, so workflow only continues to improve.

It can also make the communication of data, our greatest asset, more reliable. The benefits of having a trustworthy response from a data-educated program is too attractive for business owners and managers to resist. One also can’t ignore that in some areas, it may in fact create more desirable, financially-rewarding jobs over time.

Conversational apps can almost certainly help businesses spend less in the future on areas like customer service and administrative positions. And at the same time, they’ll enjoy a consistent uptick in productivity, as the AI is nearly omnipresent. This allows employees to engage with their work remotely, from any number of devices.

Still speaking of data, the use of blockchain, an open-source ledger, in association with the new conversational AI and machine learning, may help increase the value of businesses over the next 15 years with accurate record-keeping and solid data. That’s in addition to what it can team up with conversational apps to do in terms of customer knowledge and speedy transactions, as well as a healthy boost in how quickly financial and legal matters are communicated and resolved.

Leveraging Networks

Leveraging innovation networks is important to stay up to date with conversational AI and machine learning. All of this can lead to improved customer retention, as human latency is all but eliminated and voice services become more recognizable and agreeable to customers. The further optimization, or evolution to conversational computing, of this tech can make the digital workplace a more satisfying and productive place to be in 2030.

Looking forward to your feedback on this blog post and to sharing knowledge with you.

This blog was originally posted on Leveraging Networks. Please follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn