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0 Kudos

Hi Guys,

   I did an interesting workflow implementation project where the PO and PR need to be processed from the Mobile devicse blackberry. I want to share the development journey with you guys. I will also recommand you to read through the Steffen Schwark  Blogs for wider perspective (Let the work flow! - Part 1 and Let the work flow! – Part 2)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thanks for the information Dalprit. As you mentioned, it will not work like offline process, can you confirm, if user takes decision from blackberry, then it will ask for SAP credentials, then only user can do decisions?

So user need to be connected to SAP server. is that right?

0 Kudos
Hi Vinoth,
   You are right if you dont have SSO then it will prompt for credential each time you try to approve or reject (Provided your credentials are not store in blackberry serve, if so then you have to change the setting in the server side).
