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Yes, it's that time of the year again where food and family comes together. Traditionally I share a pudding recipe with you and this time it's a modern version of the classic tiramisu.

Ingredients (4 persons)

3 coffee spoons sugar
20 cl very cold whipping cream or already whipped cream
6 crumbled spiced biscuits / gingerbread cookies
30 cl cold strong coffee
1 table spoon cacao powder
100 g mascarpone
80 g pealed non salted almonds
40 cl coffee ice cream


  1. Let the mascarpone soften outside the fridge
  2. Melt the sugar with a coffee spoon of water until you get a light brown caramel on a low fire in a saucepan with a thick bottom
  3. Reomve the pan from the fire and add the allmonds to the caramel. Let the mixture cool off on a alu foil
  4. Whip the cream if not already made. Crush the almonds caramel in large pieces.
  5. Scoop the ice cream in 4 glasses. Poor the coffee, almonds caramel (leave some from decoration), crumbled spiced biscuits / gingerbread cookies and a spoon of mascarpone over it.
  6. Finish with the whipped cream, cacao powder and almonds caramel and serve immediately 


With this, I want to say goodbye. I'm in the middle of disposing of all things where the ratio effort (in leisure time) / satisfaction is way too high. That counts for The Environmental Blog From The Grumpy Old Man as with SCN/SDN or whatever the mishmash of (sub) communities is called these days.

Besides, I think there's no (longer) place for a Grumpy Old Man as me in this community. Let's face it, what is the result of all this Grumpiness? Very close to nothing. The forums still bulge out with posts from lazy people. The first category is the questioners who don't seem to be willing to use the search engine, although.  I must admit that the search engine is still something blubber over. You will be luckier in finding things you aren't looking for than the things that really matter. I guess that making good search engines is an art that SAP doesn't master. Even if we consider this as a extenuating circumstance, the questioners are still to blame. It's a fact that many questions can be categorized as RTFM and asked over and over again.
A second category are those who want to fake their experience and ask for certificate/exam questions and - if that's not enough - the answers with them. If it was possible, they would even ask if another person take the exam for them. It's hilarious and at the end they only deceive their self. How stupid can they be?
All this reminds me of a joke. One of the two blond women says to other: "I'm going to the doctor for a pregnancy test". The other replies: "Did you study long for this?".
In SDN terms, the other one would reply: "Can you give me the questions and answers when you come back?"
The third category are the repliers which are as lazy and post complete pages thinking/hoping that the answer will/might be in the copy/pasted text somewhere. I thought that the point hunting game was finished, but I'm clearly wrong.

All this results in the fact that one doesn't get any serious answer when posting a question that doesn't fit in the above description(s). The myth that you get an answer for your questions within X time on SDN doesn't apply on this type of questions. Maybe 'a' answer, but not 'the' answer. I know what I'm talking about: I'm still waiting for a couple of (far from rocket science) questions.

There are other factors - like the prehistoric blog system, certainly compared to Wordpress systems. The resulting blog content belongs in the wiki anyway. But I think that my lamentation lasted already enough.

That doesn't mean that it's all trouble and affliction. No, of course not. During all this years I've enjoyed sharing my knowledge and reading useful things. On top, I've been meeting (virtually) some nice and interesting people. I hope that I don't lose friendship with them due to my decision to leave. I'll not completely vanish anyway and people can still visit my Geocaching blog.

Having said this I wish my readers all the best and off course the Season's Greetings and I'd like to conclude with a song from another (Grumpy?) Old Man: D. Jones. I used this song in a previous life in order to turn a page. This is yet another page.

I took this walk to ease my mind
To find out what's gnawing at me
Wouldn't think to look at me,
that I've spent a lot of time in education
It all seems so long ago
I'm a thinker, not a talker
I've no-one to talk to, anyway

I can't see the road
for the rain in my eyes
Ahhh ...

I live above the grocers store,
owned by an Austrian
He often calls me down to eat
And he jokes about his broken English,
tries to be a friend to me
But for all my years of reading conversation,
I stand without a word to say

I can't see the bridge
for the rain in my eyes

And the world is full of life
Full of folk who don't know me
And they walk in twos or threes or more
While the light that shines above the grocer's store
Investigates my face so rudely
And my essays lying scattered on the floor
Fulfill their needs just by being there
And my hands shake, my head hurts,
my voice sticks inside my throat
I'm invisible and dumb,
And no-one will recall me

And I can't see the water
for the tears in my ey-y-yes

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