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Hello friends,

I am a frequent visitor of SAP Developer Network (SDN) Site and like many of you gain info and sometimes share some of my knowledge with all of you. Recently I came across the site called EcoHub. I liked the name and decided to have a look at it and check what this has on offer.

I must congratulate the team SAP for the efforts that they have put in to conceptualize the site. The site answers some basic questions that we face all the time from our customers.

  • What will be the best solution from my problem?
  • How good it is?
  • How does it look like?

The solutions are contributed by various parties and they are well categorized in terms of industry and also according to the solutions and other categories.

There are cool features like rating the featured solution and also a sneak peek screenshot which gives an idea of the things on offer.

I am sure that very soon SAP has to increase its capabilities to handle the traffic that the EcoHub Site will get!!!! 

I must also thank all the contributors who are listing their solutions on the EcoHub Site.

This is a great initiative and I am sure that the whole business community will be benefitted by EcoHub Site. 

Do visit to know more.