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Community Administrator
Community Administrator
You will probably notice that the SAP Community login screen looks a little different, or will very shortly. What you are witnessing is the first phase of our SAP Universal ID rollout. Ultimately, SAP Universal ID will allow users to logon to SAP systems using one account, linking all existing SAP legacy accounts (S-/P-users).

Starting May 3, every SAP Community member has the option to login with a Universal ID. This is referred to as Conditional Universal ID.

We have an FAQ page that explains the details, but I wanted to share my personal take with you on the phased approach, and what it means for our members.

What we’re seeing across SAP Community is a lot of people with a lot of content, spread over multiple accounts. Some members created new accounts when they changed employers, some members maintain different accounts when serving different clients, and some may not even realize they have more than one account in their name.

In practice, that means that there is a lot of content on the SAP Community that is not consolidated. Lack of consolidation is inefficient when we think about how to organize and search for answers, but for the authors, it can also mean less recognition, and more challenges in terms of finding everything that one person has written over the years.

Now is the time to get ready for the full rollout of SAP Universal ID, which will happen later this year. If you organize a few small details now, the move to UID will be easy later.

What to do now

I suggest that all SAP Community members create their SAP Universal ID now, so that our community is ready to embrace content consolidation later this year.

As part of the UID creation flow, existing member accounts will be linked. Linking is the first step in the UID process. Later this year, SAP Community will enable members to consolidate content from their linked accounts.

What to do later this year

Stay tuned. In preparation for the second phase, SAP Community will provide a tool that will allow each member to consolidate content associated with their various accounts to their Universal ID.
When each of us runs the tool, all blog posts, questions, comments, and reputation elements will be associated with the member's Universal ID. More information will be provided later this year.

What’s in store for next year

After a good portion of members create their UID, link their accounts and merge their content, SAP Community will support the SAP Universal ID native integration. That means authentication will rely on SAP Universal ID credentials.

We do expect the process to be somewhat slow to begin with as the tool will be rolled out in phases to ensure we get all your content consolidated smoothly and easily with as little disruption as possible.

We’ll be keeping everyone up to date as much as possible in terms of timing as we move forward through the process.
Active Contributor
In the words of Reggie Fils-Aimé:


Former Member
I may have just experienced this on my Android device and my typing this message is a 'proof' that it has worked.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos
So, every time I login it asks which of the 3 linked accounts I plan to use... is it normal?

Would it be possible to make this selection "stick" ?
Community Administrator
Community Administrator
claudia.pacheco would you be able to either chime in or have someone from UID chime in here?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Andrea,

instead of your email you can also use one of the linked account identifiers at log on. If you use e.g. your p-user id then that user will be auto-selected for authentication and you are not prompted by the account selector.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos
michael thanks for the answer but apparently it doesn't work. To begin with, I had to use an anonymous window because the logout would not clear cookies enough to forget about me.I've had this happen with both Chrome and Firefox. Even then, if I try logging in with the P-user it complains the password isn't valid and that I should use the Universal ID. The passwords have been reset and saved in Bitwarden when I set up the Universal ID months ago, not much chance of a typo there. If you're interested in debugging this, send me a PM otherwise I'll just live with the extra step. I appreciate SAP is moving forward with the U.ID and I can accept a few bumps along the road.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Sorry i was not very clear with my last reply. As soon as you linked an account (in your case the p-user) to a UID the authentication for that account is done through UID.

When using your uid email for authentication we notice that this is a uid and ask for the uid password and provide you the account selector to choose the account you would like to work with.

When using your P-User for authentication we as well notice that this user belongs to a uid and ask you for the uid password (not the p-user password). In this case we bypass the account selector and auto-select the p-user to log you in.

We tried to make this visible in the UI by adding a text at the top of the screen but i understand now this is not obvious enough and we will improve this screen. Thanks for the valid feedback.

Regarding the log-out issue i contact you via PM

Hi Andrea,

could you PM more details about your issue, or follow me and I'll PM you?

Thanks and Best,

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
ghakomaki will do, later, thanks.
Active Contributor

michael oh, ok, yes, now I get it: indeed the passwords are different, that's why it was failing. It was visible, I did see it... I also ignored it because it was unexpected 😄

Hi craig.cmehil and michael,

I have a P-user for myself as a freelancer, and it is linked to my mail address = UID. Further, I've two S-Users from my customers registered to the respective mail address of their domain. Except for searching OSS notes, I do every community action, trials and openSAP courses using my P-user, respectively, meanwhile my UID.

If I link all these users to my UID and I'm logged in with it, will I be able to search for an OSS note? And if I switch after searching an OSS note to openSAP to enrol for another course, will it be registered to my P-User? I don't want any batch to my customer users.

So I'm not sure how to act now. The FAQ gave me no hint on how to decide. On the one hand, this blog advertises (for me) to link all users to one account, which would be nice. No log out and log in to switch for the tasks. On the other hand, I get no idea how this could work. Will I be asked or is not intended for such a constellation?

BR, Jens
0 Kudos
Hello craig.cmehil, michael and ghakomaki,

please, could any of you comment on how this should be handled?

BR, Jens
Community Administrator
Community Administrator
I've sent an email internally to get a response, sorry for the delay.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Jens,

when linking more than one user to your Universal ID you will be prompted at login to select the user you want to work with in this session. That selector won’t show up if only one account is linked to the UID.

After selecting the user you will work with that user for the whole session. To change the user you need to log out and re-login again to choose another account.

Switching the user on the fly will be only possible in a future phase – when UID is natively integrated by the connected Service Providers (e.g. SAP Support Portal or SAP Community). Due to the necessary service provider adjustments the native adaption has to be handled by every system separately.


Michael Braun
0 Kudos
Hi michael
Hi craig.cmehil

Thanks a lot for your effort and information. I'll try out how it works, guessing that it is possible to unlink a user in the case of failure ;).

Best regards,
Active Contributor
Wow, this sounds awesome!
I think it is clearly hinted in your post, but I'll ask it as a direct question:

Will this help users, who have lost access to SAP Community content they created in the past together with the access to the respective S-user, e.g. when they switched companies?
That would be relay nice!

Active Contributor
It didn't help me get access to posts done while in a former role. I could only "associate" the old account.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
[Note: this is a re-post from coffee corner]

You know what: SAP Universal ID seems to make things worse, at least in some aspect:

A key benefit of using your S-user for SAP Community was the certificate login with SAP Passport SSO:
-> just a click or an enter keystroke and your logged in.

Now with having that S-user assigen to my SAP Universal ID it's like this:

1. Things seem fine, I can logon alright, with the SAP Passport.
2. But wenn I click on "Manage my Account" im interrupted with a Universal ID  pop up and can't continue until I provide my password (the one to the Universal ID) .

I won't do it right away, but I am tempted to pullt that S-User out of Universal ID again!
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Argh, it seems I am not able to pull my S-User OUT of universal ID again?! 😞

I know probably have only 1 things thats bad, but many other things aer probably way better, so this might be kind of unfair. But still: What I described above is a drawback (Having to give a passwort, when in the past SSO was enough!), I do not want that.

craig.cmehil , can you solve that? Or can you tell me a way how I can remove my s-user from Universal ID?


Active Contributor
Hm, too bad that doesn't work, would have been nice! Thanks for letting us know!
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Joachim,

michael can correct me if I'm wrong, but unlinking is currently not allowed for end users.

Please contact SAP support team for assistance.

Best regards,

Active Contributor
Thanks for letting me know claudia.pacheco !

But good news: it seems the issue I described is fixed: today I was NOT asked for my universal ID password. "Just" logging in with SAP Passport seems to have been fine -> like it should be!

...so I no longer feel the need tu get my s-user pulled out.

Thanks !
