Welcome Corner Discussions
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SAP Community - Where are you from?

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

SAP Community keeps growing and growing and I am super excited for this Welcome Corner as it gives the chance for not only new members but everyone to get to know one another and connect with each other.

As my colleague @Katherine_K gives an overall introduction to the Group and what you can expect from it in her blog post, I’d like to take the opportunity to start a discussion about the different locations represented in our global SAP Community. I am interested to read where you are located and where SAP Community is spread around the world.

I am from Germany and currently living in Wiesbaden, which is the capital of one of the sixteen German states located in the west. After years of studies and living in different places, my hometown has caught me again with its charm and the closeness to friends and family has won me over.

But now I am curious, where are you tuning in from?

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Hi from Turkey

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hello @Alpay welcome! Where in Turkey are you from? We have a location groups for the Istanbul people, which is managed by @barisguler  - maybe you want to join and connect with other people in Turkey. 

Learn also here, how to upload a personal profile image. This is not mandatory, but recommended.

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Hey! I'm Casimir from Finland, looking forward to contributing to the community:)

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hello Casimir @Vaaaine  - nice name! Did you hear about "our cat" Kasimir? Check out this post: https://groups.community.sap.com/t5/sap-teched-blog-posts/kasimir-is-back/ba-p/292591 

Furthermore, you might want to stay up-to-date and subscribe to the What's New Board - there will be the upcoming migration in January 2024 and it's best to be prepared!

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Hi 👋🏽 I am from Poland 🙂 

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hello @Gosia welcome to SAP Community! 

You might want to check the location groups in Poland, there are a few. These are groups to connect local community members. Maybe there is one close to where you live! If you find one, don't forget to "join" the group!

Furthermore, learn also here, how to upload a personal profile image. This is not mandatory, but recommended.

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my name is Anna Zielinska.

I'm based in Germany and working for Implico GmbH as Strategic Partner Ecosystem Manager.

Implico provides leading solutions for digitalizing business processes in the supply chain of energy and natural resources.

Thank you and regards, Anna

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hi @Anna_Z welcome! You might want to explore the location groups in Germany. These are groups to connect local community members. Maybe there is one close to where you live! If you find one, don't forget to "join" the group!

Furthermore, learn also here, how to upload a personal profile image. This is not mandatory, but recommended.

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Hi all,

I am from Portugal and very glad to join the SAP community.

Great to have you here @Olga_Ferreira !! Thanks for visiting the Welcome Corner. I hope you will browse other groups and join in discussions, or start one of your own!

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Hello everyone, I'm Subbu Iyer from McKinney, Texas. I am thrilled to connect with this exceptional online community and share ideas!

0 Kudos

Hello @SubbuIyer nice to meet you. Do you know there is a Dallas Group here? Great opportunity to connect with other locals, e.g. during events. Join the group and never miss any update anymore 😉 

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I'm in the US in Denver Colorado

Welcome @morgakev - great to have you here! Which SAP topics are you interested in?

--- Check out our latest contest My Most Hilarious Coding Failure!! Let OTHERS learn from YOUR mistakes! ---


Hi All,
I am Priyanka from Bangalore, India.
Looking forward to contribute in the SAP HANA space.

@Priyanka_U  Welcome! You should also join Local group in Bangalore to explore more!


Hi, I'm from India

@Sagar47  welcome! You might want to explore the Local group in India . These are groups to connect local community members. Maybe there is one close to where you live! If you find one, don't forget to "join" the group!

Furthermore, learn also here, how to upload a personal profile image. This is not mandatory, but recommended.


Hi All,

I am Manuel and I work for SAP Germany from Berlin.

0 Kudos

Hello @manuelsteiner welcome! To start in SAP Community, please check out the Interest Groups and also What's New to learn all about the upcoming migration!

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I am from Romania, working for SAP Concur Czech Republic, Prague.


Hi Iulia,

Nice to see your message.

Please keep writing in this blog, these can provide inspiration, feedback, and connections with other passionate SAP enthusiasts. "Every technical article is a bridge, connecting the minds of experts and novices across oceans of knowledge.


Lakshmi Prabhakar Koppolu


İ am from Turkiye living Istanbul

@Taner_ildan12 welcome! You live in a lovely country with delicious food! Please check out Interest Groups | SAP Community and join groups where you would like to continually engage.

May I ask your areas of expertise? Take care!

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0 Kudos

In addition to what my colleague @StephanieMarley said, don't forget to join the Istanbul Group to connect with other local community members!


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From New Delhi

@Sanchay welcome. I live in the US outside of Philadelphia. May I ask your areas of expertise and interest?

Be sure to join Interest Groups | SAP Community where you would like to continually engage. Take care!


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Nice to hear from you. 
I'm Kura from Cincinnati, OH. 

Hello Kura Bharadwaj,

Everyone in the community is constantly learning. Sharing what you know, even if it's not groundbreaking, can still be valuable and inspire others

Please keep writing.


Lakshmi Prabhakar Koppolu

@LakshmiPrabhaka and @Kura_Bharadwaj hi both! I could not agree more with your sentiment. Be sure to find Interest Groups | SAP Community and join those where you want to continually engage. Take care!

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hi, i am from bengaluru

Hi Guru,
Welcome to this group.

The ultimate test of your knowledge is your capacity to convey it to another.

Please keep writing more in this group.
Lakshmi Prabhakar Koppolu


Hello All,

My name is Sravani, and I am a SAP C4C Functional Consultant from Hyderabad, India.

I am truly excited to be part of this vibrant SAP community, where I hope to exchange knowledge, learn from experts, and contribute to discussions. I look forward to connecting with fellow professionals, sharing experiences, and leveraging the collective wisdom of this community to further excel in the realm of SAP C4C.

Thank you for your attention, and I eagerly await the opportunity to engage with you all.

Best regards,
Sravani Oguri.

Hi Sravani,

Welcome to the group.

You are in right place to learn more. The ultimate test of your knowledge is your capacity to convey it to another.

This is right place to write articles, ask questions and share your knowledge.
Best Regards,
Lakshmi Prabhakar Koppolu

@SravaniOguri it is great to meet you and your enthusiasm is fantastic. I couldn't agree more about the value of community! You are in a great area and my hope for you is that you can learn and help others who want to follow in your footsteps. Check out Interest Groups | SAP Community and 'join groups' to make the most of community engagement. Best of luck!

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I am Venkata Masetty working as Industry Principal - leading SAPBRIM Practice at Infosys, India.

Hi Venkata Masetty,

Welcome to the group.

You are in right place to learn more. ㊗️


Hi Laura,

I am from India.

Thank You

Community Advocate
Community Advocate
0 Kudos

Hello @Devavrat where exactly are you from in India? Check the location groups in the Asia Pacific Region and find the one which is close to where you live.

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