Welcome Corner Discussions
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SAP Community - Where are you from?

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

SAP Community keeps growing and growing and I am super excited for this Welcome Corner as it gives the chance for not only new members but everyone to get to know one another and connect with each other.

As my colleague @Katherine_K gives an overall introduction to the Group and what you can expect from it in her blog post, I’d like to take the opportunity to start a discussion about the different locations represented in our global SAP Community. I am interested to read where you are located and where SAP Community is spread around the world.

I am from Germany and currently living in Wiesbaden, which is the capital of one of the sixteen German states located in the west. After years of studies and living in different places, my hometown has caught me again with its charm and the closeness to friends and family has won me over.

But now I am curious, where are you tuning in from?

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Hi All, 

I am Anto from Bangalore, India

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hello @Anto_ welcome to SAP Community 🙂
Make sure you subscribe or join the Bangalore group: https://groups.community.sap.com/t5/bengaluru/gh-p/bangalore
Great way to connect with locals and not to miss any local information like events 😉

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This is Gaurav Phadnis and really looking forward to community group.


Gaurav Phadnis

Hello @gphadnis2000 welcome to SAP Community! It's Svea from Germany, living close to Mannheim. Where are you from?

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Hi @sveabecker i m from India Pune.Thanks i will check the Career corner Job Opportunities

Wonderful! 🙂 

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Hi, I am İlayda from Turkey.


Hello Together,


I'm from India- Hyderabad city. Looking forward to interact with all of you.

Thank you!!





Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hello @Amita1 Namaste! 🙏
I am Svea from Germany, living close to Mannheim. I am part of the SAP Community Team and I would like to welcome you to SAP Community. 🙂
Subscribe to our location groups in Asia Pacific to get notified once there will be a new group published: https://groups.community.sap.com/t5/asia-pacific/ct-p/asia-pacific
Cheers, Svea

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@Amita1 nice to meet you! Looking forward to having great discussions here too!

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Hi, I am Marcelo. I am originally from Brazil and later became an Australian citizen, now living in Brisbane. I am an SAP Procurement consultant passionate about SAP Solutions and plan to write blogs.

Great to have you here @MarceloRSilva - let us know when you've written your first blog post! We have a location Group for Sydney, but nobody has requested one for Brisbane as of yet. Hope you enjoy your time here in SAP Community!

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Hi Katherine,

My first blog just got published.


Thank you!

Marcelo Rodrigues da Silva

That's great news @MarceloRSilva !!

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Hi 👋🏽

I am from germany as a lot of the people posting here. I love development, especially on the SAP BTP!

Hello and welcome @joshuaheisler !!

You are correct! Lots of people here from Germany and from all over the world really. Just in the last week we've had people join from the following countries: 
Australia (Brisbane), Brazil, Bulgaria (Sophia), Canada, Germany (Eschborn, Mannheim, Ratingen, Walldorf), India (Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jalpaiguri, Kerala, Kolkata, New Delhi), Ireland (Dublin), Italy (Vicenza), Netherlands (Amsterdam), Poland, Portugal (Oporto, Torres Novas), Romania, Scotland (Edinburgh), Turkey, USA (Dallas, Oregon), Yemen

It's pretty impressive! Hope you enjoy your time in SAP Community. There is also an SAP BTP Learning Group which you might like to join, if you haven't already - as well as one for SAP TechEd.

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Hello all.
My name is José Agostinho, I'm from Oporto, Portugal.
I work in a company named Sonae Arauco. Since 1998 we use SAP products.
Interested in topics related to Software Quality Assurance.
Kind Regards


Hello and welcome Agos @jagosribeiro !! You might want to take part in some other discussions, you might like this one: New or not to the SAP Community, share your story! Or even feel free to start a discussion of your own. Hope you enjoy your time in SAP Community.

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@jagosribeiro Portugal is so beautiful. It is great to meet you here in the SAP Community! I live in the USA, Pennsylvania and have worked with SAP software for 20+ years!

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Hi Stephanie, it's always great to receive compliments about our country, especially since Portugal and the USA's Pennsylvania state are separated by the vast Atlantic Ocean! Despite the distance, it's amazing how the SAP community brings people from different parts of the world together, making us feel almost like neighbors. It's wonderful to know that you have been working with SAP software for over 20 years. As a member of the SAP community, you probably have a lot of knowledge and experience to share. Wishing you a great weekend ahead!


Hi @former_member130357 where are you from? I'm Katherine from Galway, Ireland. 

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Hi Everyone, 

I am Sachin Mehta from Canada. 

@SachinMehta hi from South of the border in lovely Pennsylvania! Thanks for joining the Group discussion!

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Hi from Venezuela but live in Bogota, i grew up in Caracas and enjoy the baseball, im part of SAP HANA Team since 2016,

Have a nice day!

@Jhan hi from SAP NSQ office!

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Hi I am Gareth from Ireland

Hi Gareth @garethmurrayfau - where are you based in Ireland? 
I'm Katherine (SAP Community Advocate) based in Galway - I've set up a Galway Group as well, you can feel free to take a look!

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I'm Carla, from Mexico. 

Welcome Carla @carlatrimmer - good to have you here! What SAP topics are you most interested in?
Feel free to upload a photo or avatar to your profile if you wish. Hope you enjoy networking in the community!

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@MariettaLopez I want to connect you together with @carlatrimmer since you are both living in Mexico. Maria is a SAP Champion so she brings a wealth of community knowledge😁

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Hi Community . I am Azmath from Bangalore.

Welcome @ShaikAzmathulla - feel free to join the Bengaluru Group also - if you haven't done so already!

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Hi Community. I'm from Japan.

@Sh02 it is great to meet you. So wonderful to meet everyone here from all over the world!

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Hi Community. I am from Brazil currently living in Portugal, I am part of BTP Delivery@Scale|ASC Cloud Integration Team.



Mark here from the West Coast of the U.S.  Just trying out Groups for the first time - I didn't know it existed until I went through the new tutorial!

@MarkFogle awesome spread the word. It is a great place to meet up with people with similar interests and for networking! Welcome!

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Hello, I'm from NJ, USA.

@nvytla great to meet you. I'm out of the SAP NSQ office and live outside of Phila!

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