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SAP Community - Where are you from?

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

SAP Community keeps growing and growing and I am super excited for this Welcome Corner as it gives the chance for not only new members but everyone to get to know one another and connect with each other.

As my colleague @Katherine_K gives an overall introduction to the Group and what you can expect from it in her blog post, I’d like to take the opportunity to start a discussion about the different locations represented in our global SAP Community. I am interested to read where you are located and where SAP Community is spread around the world.

I am from Germany and currently living in Wiesbaden, which is the capital of one of the sixteen German states located in the west. After years of studies and living in different places, my hometown has caught me again with its charm and the closeness to friends and family has won me over.

But now I am curious, where are you tuning in from?

5,286 REPLIES 5,286

Hello and welcome to groups @AUSTERMUEHL !!

You might also want to check out the location-based groups to see if there is one for a city near you. There are new groups added each month.

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Hii! My Name is Fidan, Originally I am from Azerbaijan but working at SAC PS in Hungary 🙂

Welcome @former_member121310 ! 

What are your main SAP topics?

I've never been to Azerbaijan but I heard it's beautiful. As I'm a foodie:), Any special dishes you would recommend? 




Hi All, 

My name is Julia and I am from Ludwigsburg. 

Hello @juliamaisch ! Welcome! What are your main SAP topics?


Hello !  I am from India. Will be writing blogs on SAP CX. 

Hi @S0024940409 and welcome! I am Svea from the SAP Community team! 😃
What's your name? You might want to change your user name to a real name so that you don't look so anonymous anymore 😊
Simply go to your avatar on the upper right corner and select "my settings".

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Hello, Im Divya  from India


Venkatesan, Tamilnadu


Hi, guys I'm from India.


I'm from Hyderabad, INDIA

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Welcome @shabudden @Venkatesan1997 @diselvar !
Great to see so many people from India! We have a location based group in Bengaluru already. Subscribe to this region to not miss any new group in Asia Pacific: https://groups.community.sap.com/t5/asia-pacific/ct-p/asia-pacific 

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I am Sajeesh from India


Hi I am mostafa qandeel from LABS Egypt and will be writing blogs about SAP cloud platform integration.


Hi I am Mostafa Qandeel from LABS Egypt and will be writing blogs about SAP cloud platform integration.

Active Participant

Hello Everyone,

I am from Kolkata, India. Introduced to SAP when I started working on Netweaver Portal.

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hi @Soumya and welcome to SAP Community! I'm Katherine, an SAP Community Advocate. What are you most interested in doing in our community and groups? Hint from my side, please also feel free to check out the location-based groups for local info and interactions. We have lots of members joining from India - and have a group set up already for Bengaluru.

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Active Participant

I have been working on an implementation project, where I had a tryst with Barcode Scanning. Here is the blog link - https://blogs.sap.com/2023/07/17/barcode-scanning-from-sapui5-applications-via-browsers/

Community Advocate
Community Advocate
0 Kudos

Thanks for sharing @Soumya !

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Hi @former_member121517  welcome to SAP Community? Where are you from? What kind of topics are you interested in? I am Svea from the SAP Community team, based in Germany, living close to Mannheim. I am working with a lot of groups so interaction in SAP Community is my favorite 🙂 
Looking forward to hearing more from you! Cheers 👋

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi 👋, from Walldorf, Germany

0 Kudos

Welcome @varunvenkat !

What are your main SAP topics?





I am based in Warsaw. My expertise lies in SAP FI and ABAP, and I take a keen interest in debugging and problem-solving. In my free time, I enjoy road cycling and exploring new places.

Good to join,



Hi @MaciekZdonski and welcome to SAP Community! 😊 You may be happy to know that we have a group for community members in and around Warsaw to connect with local peers and SAP enthusiasts in your area - feel free to check it out here

@lauraschmitz  thank you for the warm welcome 😀 I am planning to write some posts in the future. I got two badges: Community tour and blogging, but still I have a subscriber reputation. Do you know what else I should do? Thanks in advance


Hi @MaciekZdonski, please make sure to thoroughly read Step 6: Blogging of the Tour the SAP Community 2022 tutorial and complete the prerequisite for blogging, namely performing at least one of the follow activities (follow person, follow tag, follow question, follow blog post). Once that is done, you will receive the Hello World badge and thus the change in your blogger level. 😊
Let me know if that worked, and am looking forward to seeing your first blog posts soon!

@lauraschmitz  thank you for a quick answer.

I just got a "Hello world" badge so I am able to write posts 🙂. I am just working on the first one and I will be more than happy to send the link to you,


Happy I could help and awaiting your first blog post! 😊

Hello @lauraschmitz ,

Hope you are doing well.

Finally, my first post was approved 🙂 As promised, I am sending the link:

How to start debugging | SAP Blogs






Great that you have written your first blog post @MaciekZdonski !!

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0 Kudos

Congratulations on your first blog post @MaciekZdonski😊 Now that you start blogging, and I am sure we will hear a lot more from you, I recommend to upload a profile picture to better connect with other SAP Community members and your readers! 

0 Kudos

@lauraschmitz, thanks for your message. Yes, it is a good idea to include photos.

I wanted to ask you about SAP tags. I couldn't find anything about the debugging process. It doesn't seem like there is much related to the functional-technical aspect. I'd like to find some tags that would be useful for functional consultants who are also interested in the more technical side, like debugging. Do you have any advice here?

0 Kudos

@MaciekZdonski great question! 😊
There a two different types of tags in the SAP Community, SAP managed tags and user tags. While SAP managed tags is a core set of metadata based on the SAP taxonomy of products, solutions, services, topics, events, and more, user tags can be chosen by you to categorize your content further. You can select from one of the already existing user tags or create one, when asking a question or writing a blog post. I've seen that you added user tags to your blog post, which is great! 

An additional option is to make use of the search function and look up content that has already been published around the debugging process for instance and see what tags have been used there. 
Please let me know if this was helpful! 😊

Active Participant


I'm from Linz in Austria - doing some tutorials/missions now.



Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hello @BEKOStan welcome and have fun with the tutorials and earning the badges 🙂
We recently launched a first group for Austria - it's the Wien group: https://groups.community.sap.com/t5/wien/gh-p/wien 

It might be interesting when they offer some events, so I recommend to join the group!

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Hello from Portugal

Active Participant


This is Ravi Dave and I am from Chicago, IL.



I will be writing blogs on SAP CX


Hello Everyone!

I'm Sagar from Pune, India.