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SAP analytics cloud(SAC)


I recently had the opportunity to learn SAP analytics cloud , and I wanted to share my thoughts on it.

Business intelligence and analytics have become critical tools for businesses looking to gain insights and make informed decisions. As a result, the market for BI and analytics solutions has exploded in recent years. One player that is poised to take the lead in this market is SAP Analytics Cloud, or SAP SAC.
SAP SAC is a cloud-based BI and analytics platform that allows businesses to connect, visualize, and analyze data from a variety of sources, including SAP and non-SAP systems. It offers a wide range of capabilities, including data modeling, data visualization, predictive analytics, and more .One of the key benefits of SAP SAC is its ability to provide a single source of truth for businesses. With SAP SAC, organizations can bring together data from multiple sources, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the same, up-to-date information. This can help improve decision-making and drive business outcomes.
Another advantage of SAP SAC is its focus on user experience. The platform is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, with drag-and-drop functionality and a variety of pre-built templates and visualizations. This means that users can quickly and easily create powerful dashboards and reports, without the need for specialized training or technical expertise.
SAP SAC also offers a range of advanced features for more advanced users, including predictive analytics and machine learning capabilities. This allows businesses to go beyond simple reporting and take a proactive approach to data-driven decision-making.
With its ability to connect, visualize, and analyze data from a variety of sources, SAP SAC is well-positioned to dominate the BI and analytics market. Its focus on user experience and advanced features make it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes, and it's no wonder that it's expected to become a leading player in the cloud market.

Do share your thoughts also.


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Community Advocate

@former_member122105 your discussion is so relevant to everyone since everyone has to do reporting in their job. From my experience the more user friendly the tool the more likely it will get used often. I started reporting in my job prior to SAP and my back-end was R/3. (So, a distant predecessor of what we have today!) Just speaking from my own experience I would highly encourage fellow community members to take a learning journey and get certified! Explore SAP Analytics Cloud Training | SAP Learning Looking forward to hearing other thoughts and experiences. Thanks again for starting the discussion!

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Thanks for sharing your experience with reporting tools. Your encouragement to learn and explore SAP Analytics Cloud training is highly appreciated. It's great to see that you understand the importance of user-friendly reporting tools for better adoption and usage. Certification can definitely help increase one's knowledge and expertise, leading to more efficient and effective reporting. Looking forward to hearing more insights from the community!


Hi Salim, 

Good to see that you like the tool. I've been working with SAC since 2017 and basically made a complete switch from the BOBJ toolset that year, as live connectivity to SAP BW and SAP HANA was (finally) introduced (before that you could only upload CSV/XLS files into SAC and work with that).

Since then we've come a long way and I must say that after some pretty gruesome early years with a lot of frustration, disappointments, escalations etc. these SAP native connectivities are nowadays working quite good.

Non-SAP sources are a different story and that's also one of the reasons I'm sceptical on your statement that this tool will dominate the analytics market. Within SAP landscapes it may be the logical choice to go for SAC, but even there we see heavy competition from PowerBI and other comparable tools. Luckily, the strategic direction is that SAC will further integrate with SAP Data Warehouse Cloud (DWC). This should give us at least more options to solve these (live) data connectivity issues with the non-SAP sources, and eventually provide us a platform that is capable of doing what end-users are currently building in PowerBI (ETL + reporting)



Thank you for your insights, Xavier. I completely agree that the live connectivity to SAP BW and HANA has been a game changer for SAC. It has made it a lot easier to work with SAP data sources. And I understand the challenges you faced with the tool in its early years. However, I still believe that SAC has the potential to dominate the analytics market. With the increasing demand for analytics and data-driven decision making, SAC's integration with SAP Data Warehouse Cloud (DWC) will give it a significant advantage. The ability to connect to non-SAP sources and the growing support for ETL and reporting features will further strengthen its position in the market. I'm excited to see the progress that SAC will make in the future and how it will continue to support businesses in their analytics journey. Thank you for your time and input.


Dear Blog readers,

I wanted to provide a quick update on my recent accomplishment of clearing the SAP SAC (SAP Analytics Cloud) certification. Since my certification, I have been applying my new knowledge to several projects, and the results have been impressive. SAP SAC's data modeling capabilities have been especially valuable, allowing me to create data models and custom data sources that integrate data from various systems. I have also been using SAP SAC's advanced analytics features, such as smart insights and predictive forecasting, to provide insights into business performance and drive decision-making. My certification has not only improved my SAP SAC skills but has also enhanced my overall understanding of data analysis and visualizations. As a result, I have been able to provide my organization with more comprehensive and valuable insights into our business operations. I am excited about the continued growth of SAP SAC and the platform's potential to provide more advanced data analytics capabilities to organizations. As always, thank you for reading, and I look forward to sharing more updates with you in the future.

Best regards, Salim

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Hi Salim,

Congratulations on your recent achievement with the SAP SAC certification! Your experience and insights about applying the knowledge to real-world projects are truly motivating.

I'm currently in the process of preparing for the SAP SAC certification myself. I've been using the journey dedicated to SAP Analytics Cloud as a primary study resource. Given your success, I was wondering if there were other materials or resources available on the SAP website (or elsewhere) that you found particularly helpful in your preparation? Any guidance on additional study materials or insights into the exam would be invaluable.

Thank you for sharing your journey, and I look forward to your recommendations.


Hello Salim_Nasar, very interesting. Thank you for sharing your experience here. Best regards and continued success.


Dear Colleagues, I am a Logistics consultant with experience in the ECC LIS Logistics Info System, Purchis, and SIS Sales Info Systems. I have been researching SAP Analytics Cloud, and would like any ideas on the differences between SAC and these reporting systems mentioned. For example, how easy it is to create custom info structures with new logistics fields, new key fields and characteristics, summaries, formulae etc to create really good business reports without losing any of the previous standard functionality. Many thanks,

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@Michael6 I'd like to ask SAP Champion @DebjitSingha to the discussion too. Best of luck!

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Many thanks StephanieMarley.

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thanks for sharing. I have started my journey into SAC Planning.