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One of the most requested SAP Community features is now available! You can now receive email notifications about certain SAP Community updates. You can also control the different types of emails notifications available. To modify your email notification settings, go to the manage page found in your universal avatar drop-down.

Once on the Account Settings page, click Edit Email Notification Settings to view the separate types of email notifications that are available for subscription (please refresh the page if you see an error). Initially, you will not have any subscriptions, so you'll need to select the categories that interest you. You can always unsubscribe later if you wish.

As an example, in the following screenshot, you can see that I am currently NOT subscribed to receive email notifications for ‘Moderation events’ and ‘Blogger level changes’.

Just as you receive alerts in the community for the notification types listed in my Use Notifications Like a Boss post, you can receive the same types of notifications directly via email based on your subscriptions, as follows:

  • Blogger level changes: If you're new to blogging within the SAP Community, you can monitor via email when you move from the Subscriber level to the Contributor level, and from the Contributor level to Author level. (You can learn more about these levels on the Blogs page in the About the Community section.)

  • New direct messages: If someone sends you a direct message, this subscription will ensure that you receive an email alert notifying you. The email will contain all or part of the message, depending on length.

  • Moderation events: Through this subscription, you'll receive an email notification when a moderator publishes your content, when a moderator alerts you that your blog post requires more work, and whenever any action occurs with a moderation alert relevant to you.

  • New followers: If you choose this subscription, you'll receive an email notification whenever a community member follows you

  • Comments and answers on my posts: If you choose this subscription, you'll receive an email notification whenever someone replies to your blog posts, questions, discussions, and comments -- as well as when someone answers your questions. These are the most frequent types of notifications, and two examples of the corresponding email notifications appear below.

  • Content I was mentioned in: If you are mentioned by anyone on SAP Community, you will receive an email notification with links to where you were mentioned. [updated: 4/17/17]

  • New blogs in tags I follow: If you want to receive an email notification whenever a new blog post is published in a primary tag that you are following, subscribe to this category [updated: 4/17/17]

  • New questions in tags I follow: If you choose this subscription, you'll receive an email notification whenever someone asks a new question in a primary tag you are following [updated: 4/17/17]

Email notification for new comments published on any of user’s posts (blog, question, discussion, comment):


Email notification for new answer published on user’s own questions:


These email notifications will contain the following relevant information for such updates:

  • Title of main question or blog

  • Link to respective primary tag

  • Link to comment or answer

  • Text preview of where comment was published

  • Link to user who published the comment or answer

  • Link to full discussion (redirects to question or blog title)

  • Link to all SAP Community Notifications

  • Text preview of what comment was published

All emails will convey what type of notification you're receiving -- such as a comment or answer. Where appropriate (for comments, answers, and direct messages, for example), the email will include a short text preview. This text will give you enough information to help you decide if you wish to click to go directly to SAP Community to see the full discussion.

As noted earlier, we can only provide email notifications for activities that currently provide notifications in the SAP Community. (Again, this list of notification types appears in Use Notifications Like a Boss.) As a result, we realize that this new functionality doesn't fulfill all of the requests from Idea Place -- notably the ability to receive email notifications whenever a new blog or question is posted using a primary tag that you follow. Since the system doesn't currently provide these types of notifications within the SAP Community itself, we could not deliver these notifications via email either. With future releases, however, we will expand the options for email notifications.

UPDATE (4.17.2017):

Tip in a Minute video explaining how to configure Email Notifications on SAP Community:

UPDATE (12.07.2017):

Added new categories of email notifications now available
Nice feature!
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Mine says "Ooops, something went wrong. Please try again later."  #bummer
Active Participant

was much awaited 🙂
0 Kudos
Just do a refresh, it is probably because of a slow connection. Should work afterwards.

We are already working on coming up with a solution.
0 Kudos
Thank you Adarsh. We are very happy to bring this feature to the Community. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you find any issues.
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Sajid,


Sure, will do.

So far it works as expected since, I immediately received an email notification for your comment.
Active Contributor
It's working now.  Thanks.
0 Kudos
Finally !!
Former Member
Thanks for the update.

A nice start, but the feature which all of us (or at least me :)) are waiting for is email notifications for new content on followed tags.

Hope to hear news abour this area soon.

Ouch... to fast to be happy...

How do I get notified when anyone post a question related to ABAP development...

The implemented notifications are ok and useful, but I really need (and some others too), most of all, since October last year, when this new SCN got delivered; To get notified when someone post a question related to ABAP...

Just as it was possible before the new implementation, just as idea place does, just as ... (you should get the idea)...

Hope this feature won't get to delayed anymore.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Providing you are following the ABAP Development tag you should see new questions in the Followed Activity. These will not appear in Notifications and emails are sent only for the items in the Notifications tab (someone commented on your post, replied to your question, new follower and such).

I'm not sure though what you'd do with all those emails even if they were available... There are no more than a couple dozen new questions in ABAP posted daily and good 50% of them are RTFM. Some 25% are on the subjects I know nothing about (like HCM or Eclipse). It's really not that hard to just open a bookmark to see the question list online and from there you can answer them or report to the moderator at once.

Especially because now the emails contain limited number of characters it'd have very little value IMHO. But I'm curious about your process for working with the questions and how would emails help you.

Thank you.
Active Contributor
The main benefit of mail notifications could be subscribing to moderator alerts - especially for new members. Unfortunately, for new members it would be hard to find this blog and some might not dig into profile settings. Maybe in the future adjusting mail settings could be a part of a mission...
Community Manager
Community Manager
Veselina, this is indeed the sort of activity we would want an onboarding mission to include in the future.

Community Administrator
Community Administrator
Fun idea, Veselina. We can look at this when we get back to the onboarding missions.
0 Kudos
Hello Jesus,

As Jelena mentioned, the best way to keep track of such new activities in ABAP development would be to follow that primary tag and then use the Activity Stream. You should be able to filter all your activities by "ABAP development" and "Questions and Answers" to only view Q&A related activities in this particular tag. This should show you any new posted questions, answers, and relevant comments.

I also wanted to let you know that implementing email alerts for such new content is in our radar. We wanted to roll-out Email notifications first so users can start benefiting from the functionality that is already available.


Sajid Amir

Hi Jesus,

thanks for bringing this up. Actually, this missing piece is what we are desperately waiting for. Reason is that our topic is not as busy as e.g. ABAP development - and it is simply very annoying and inefficient to have to actively check for new questions/posts many times instead of being notified.

I do not understand concerns regarding the high amount of e-mails as every facet of notification can be switched by each user.


Active Contributor
Nice to know about it, Thanks
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
What "every facet"? We used to be able to stop tracking any specific item (blog or question) on SCN. Now we only have a site-wide on/off switch.
0 Kudos

what I mean is clearly that if you do not like being notified on followed tags you should be able to switch that feature off. I am with you to wish for an option to switch it for selected tags.
Former Member
This is much awaited feature.



Active Contributor
Hello Sajid,

Happy to hear this news.


how cool is that?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
I am using a wired office connection from Newtown Square, and with Chrome I got the following:  
0 Kudos
The key is that you are in the US 🙂 Fix is on the way, I'll check back with you tomorrow if you are still seeing it.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
I don't look at my email settings on a regular basis, so please drop me an email when you want me to test the changes/fixes.

Could both of you please check again if still facing the Ooops? A fix was deployed today.

Jeremy sent you a mail too.


Active Contributor

Tried the steps you outlined using IE11, Chrome, and Edge -- all worked fine, thanks!
0 Kudos
Good to see this functionality added. Can someone respond to my post so tat I can verify it works for me?

Active Contributor
sounds like the officials have lost their credibility
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi, something seems to be wrong or different than I expected with replies to comments (to a question):


I added a comment to a question. Then the thread starter replied to that comment. All E-Mail subscriptions are activated on my side. But I don't receive anything. (But I also don't see notifications.)

In general I have great trouble finding my comments and replies to them in any other channel.

Bug? Design flaw? Or am I missing something?

This makes using the comments functionality even more dislikable to me in general.

Regards, Lutz

Community Administrator
Community Administrator
0 Kudos
Hi Lutz,

currently you receive a notification (and if enabled an email notification) if someone directly replies to your content. In the link above Kiran did not reply to your comment, it was another comment to the original question. But my comment now should trigger an email notification to you.

kr Mirko
0 Kudos
Hello Peter,

You should be receiving an Email Notification (and notification) for this comment. All comments made directly on your posts (question, blog, answer, or other comment) will generate such an email if you have subscribed to that category.


Sajid Amir
0 Kudos
Hello Lutz,

As Mirko mentions, the comment you are referring to in the post was not posted on one of your comments. In fact, it was posted on the question itself. And given you are not the author of the question, you did not receive a notification (or email notification).

However, you should be receiving a notification and email notification for this comment that I am posting (as I am replying directly to one of your posts).
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you experience any issues.


Sajid Amir
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
I had same issue but it got fixed after retry

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos
Thank you Sajid!