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As promised in the blog post, Improvements Coming to Content Lists in Your Profile by oddss, we have seen very useful enhancements added to our profiles. In addition to the @mentions functionality, I have found the addition of primary tags to the content list, the ability to distinguish questions with accepted answers and being able to search and sort followers very helpful.

Pleased with these profile related changes, I was very excited about the upcoming profile enhancements announced in Audrey's blog post:
Additional content types, starting with Coffee Corner discussions, to be followed later by archived documents and archived discussions

Sorting and filtering in the content lists, similar to how we have sorting and filtering of followers and following now

For those of you tracking our communication updates and release notes, you probably know that the former feature has already been delivered. And today, I am very happy to announce that the profile team has rolled out the latter enhancement this week - the ability to filter and sort our content lists!

I want to share some quick tips so you can enjoy these new filters and sorting capabilities to the fullest. You can now filter all your blog posts, questions, and answers by the primary tag with which they were tagged.


In this example, I am filtering for my six blogs in the primary tag "Using SAP.com". To reset this filter, I have to simply click on "Reset filtering by tag" to view all my blog posts. Once filtered, I am then going to sort my blog posts from Using SAP.com by "Comments":

As a result, I can now view all my blog posts authored in Using SAP.com, sorted by the number of comments they received. You can follow the same procedure to sort your blog posts by "Likes" and "Published Date" as well. Please note, the default sorting order is by "Published Date".

You will notice that the list of #content:questions and #content:answers on your profile have also received these enhancements. For instance, in addition to filtering all your questions by a primary tag, you can now filter the ones with an accepted answer. You can then sort these results by the indicated categories.


For your published answers, the filters and sorting criteria are:



For Coffee Corner enthusiasts, there are now sorting capabilities available for #content:discussions:


I hope you find these new enhancements as useful as I have. Please feel free to reach out to me via comments below or to oddss with any questions about these feature enhancements. Jump right into your profile to start exploring these functionalities yourself!
Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Thanks for the update.

But....regarding MY ANSWERS section with the below options...

All Answers  - Ok

Accepted      - Ok

Not Accepted  - I feel this should be renamed appropriately because sometimes there goes lot much of discussion before the OP gets the right or near right answer depending on the question.Hence,  if an answer is not accepted that doesn't necessarily mean it is a wrong answer.I feel it is enough to have two sections All Answers and Accepted.My two cents 🙂

Active Contributor
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Answered, not Accepted

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
ignored answers

Hi Sajid,

This is a very useful improvement. Thank you for that.

I see your point Kiran and thank you for sharing your thoughts!

I have been using the "Not Accepted" answer filter to isolate my answers that may require further following up or acknowledgement from the question OP (as they were not accepted). I see this as an additional nice to have! Without it, I would have to dig through my all answers list to find those.

Best regards,

Sajid Amir
Active Contributor
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Coffee Corner - sorted by Likes ascending/descending working for other people?  I can't blame it on IE because I happened to be in Chrome when poking around at the new features.
0 Kudos
Seems to be working fine for me Jeremy and I am testing with Chrome. BTW thank you for bringing this up, I should update the blog post to include that sorting is available for CC discussions as well.
Glad you found this helpful Szabolcs!
Active Contributor
Since we're already making suggestions...

I just noticed, that the "Unanswered" filter for the questions is not named correctly, since you mean "No answer accepted" and not "No answers yet". 😉


To the overall work on the profile: I like where you are going with this. 🙂


Active Contributor
It's not working in IE11 either. Just checked. I first thought, it works, but farther down the scrolling hole there were discussions with more likes, so it's kind of all over the place.
0 Kudos
Thanks for reporting Steffi. I'll update here once I have some more information.
Active Contributor
Nice catch. 🙂

It is not working for my profile either:

Descending: 8, 3, 4, 2, 1, 4, 9, 4, 0, 9, 2, 3.

Ascending:   3, 4, 2, 1, 4, 9, 4, 0, 9, 2, 3, 8

I doubt that this is browser-dependent. I checked the outcome in Firefox, IE11, Google Chrome and Pale Moon and I end up with the same results.
Active Contributor
If you really wanted to use the feature to see on which answers you might need to follow up, then we would have received additional indicators on the overall status of the question itself- answered, closed.

It could be that somebody else's answer was accepted or the OP/moderator closed the question, but you would not know that - unless you navigate to the question.

Active Contributor
I am confused:

Total number of answers: 361

Accepted: 69

Not Accepted: 260

If 260+69 = 329, then what is the status of the remaining 32?

This is not related to a specific browser.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Same issue in my profile:

How is it possible to make an error in this simple calculation?
Active Contributor
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Maybe those are the "Closed" questions? oO
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
You mean not accepted answer to the closed question? Looks strange to my mind...
Active Contributor
Or maybe deleted questions?

sajid.amir4, could you check, please?
Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Nice try, but it does not seem to be the right answer ?

Request URL for all answers:


Request URL for accepted answers:


Request URL for not accepted answers:


I am not a web developer. The first thing I would look at would be if all answers ended up with a valid value for status.

For what is worth, I do not remember converting comment to answer for some of the missing items, this is not specific to a single submission date, the chances that my answers went into moderation and this somehow broke updating the answer status are low, there were no revisions.

Edit: changed the URL for all answers.

Active Contributor
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By the way, I don't see any difference between "Request URL for all answers" and "Request URL for not accepted answers"
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Aaaa my mistake, error at copy/pasting.

The URL for All answers is: https://content.services.sap.com/contents/peopleProfile?userName=xxx&objectTypes=answer&sort=publish...

Active Contributor
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Another issue found: It takes more then TWO hours for the accepted status for the answer to be updated in the user profile answer list. I am still waiting for update! Is it an overnight batch job? ?


Active Contributor
0 Kudos
May be they fave more then 2 statuses for accepted:



Active Contributor
0 Kudos
After some investigation I can't find a reason why some  "accept: false" answers are not present in Not accepted:


This answer is present in All Answers but missing in Not Accepted
      "id" : "answers.sap.com_answer_325619",
"url" : "https://answers.sap.com/answers/325619/view.html",
"displayName" : "Location of Help",
"objectType" : "answer",
"status" : "published",
"accepted" : false,
"published" : "2017-10-10T06:15:05.000+0000",
"comments" : 0,
"likes" : 0,
"votes" : 0,
"answers" : 0,
"tags" : [ {
"id" : "01200615320800001016",
"objectType" : "primaryTag",
"url" : "http://www.sap.com/community/tag.html?id=01200615320800001016",
"displayName" : "SAP Business Planning and Consolidation, version for SAP NetWeaver"
}, {
"id" : "613314084077778299166571926615629",
"objectType" : "secondaryTag",
"url" : "http://www.sap.com/community/tag.html?id=613314084077778299166571926615629",
"displayName" : "EPM Add-In for Excel"
}, {
"id" : "help.sap",
"objectType" : "userTag",
"url" : "https://answers.sap.com/topics/help.sap.html",
"displayName" : "help.sap"

This answer is present in both All Answers and Not Accepted:
In All Answers -----------------------------------------
"id" : "answers.sap.com_answer_323834",
"url" : "https://answers.sap.com/answers/323834/view.html",
"displayName" : "Consolidation Mapping QUESTION",
"objectType" : "answer",
"status" : "published",
"accepted" : false,
"published" : "2017-10-04T06:24:50.000+0000",
"comments" : 2,
"likes" : 0,
"votes" : 1,
"answers" : 0,
"tags" : [ {
"id" : "01200615320800001016",
"objectType" : "primaryTag",
"url" : "http://www.sap.com/community/tag.html?id=01200615320800001016",
"displayName" : "SAP Business Planning and Consolidation, version for SAP NetWeaver"
In Not Accepted -----------------------------------------
"id" : "answers.sap.com_answer_323834",
"url" : "https://answers.sap.com/answers/323834/view.html",
"displayName" : "Consolidation Mapping QUESTION",
"objectType" : "answer",
"status" : "published",
"accepted" : false,
"published" : "2017-10-04T06:24:50.000+0000",
"comments" : 2,
"likes" : 0,
"votes" : 1,
"answers" : 0,
"tags" : [ {
"id" : "01200615320800001016",
"objectType" : "primaryTag",
"url" : "http://www.sap.com/community/tag.html?id=01200615320800001016",
"displayName" : "SAP Business Planning and Consolidation, version for SAP NetWeaver"

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Ups I have found my answer https://answers.sap.com/questions/326145/bpc-dimension-master-data-deletion-using-data-pack.html?chi...

That was accepted 2 days ago. Still shown in my profile as unaccepted!

To my mind it’s unacceptable ?

sajid.amir4 what do you think about it?


Active Contributor
0 Kudos
P.S. No changes, accepted status in user profile is not updated!
0 Kudos

vadim.kalinin , veselina.peykova , steffi.warnecke  kindly allow us time so we can investigate further. I have reached out to the relevant parties and am awaiting a response now. I’ll update here as soon as I have more information.
I think this is a very nice improvement.

What I would like to see, however, is a filter for all open questions on a tag - not just my own questions.
Active Contributor
Sorry, but it's your user profile and you have here your items!

You can see unanswered question list on the tag page...

Yes, I know. And as I said - it is a good improvement! 🙂 

But on a tag page, I have to open every single question in order to see if they have been answered yet. I think for moderators and people trying to keep an eye on the content of specific tags, it would be a huge benefit to have an easy way to filter for answered/ unanswered questions per tag.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

“But on a tag page, I have to open every single question in order to see if they have been answered yet.” – not clear what do you mean!

On the tag page you can select filter: Status “Unanswered Questions” and you will get list of questions without accepted answer!

P.S. I do not understand how this is related to user profile info...

0 Kudos
Ah, if there is such a way then I take it all back. 🙂

However, I cannot find it. All I can filter for on a topic page is the Type (Blog/ Question):

Do you have a link to a description/ blog/... how I can get that filter? Or do I have to be a moderator to see this?

Active Contributor
I am talking about different tag page: for Q&A only! Like:


And here you can select filter: Status “Unanswered Questions”

Wow, okay thank you so much.

I didn't even know a page like that existed... I would have just included the Answered/Unanswered filter directly in the other tag page.

Anyways, thanks so much. That makes my life a whole lot easier!
Active Contributor
And this Q&A tag page is much faster to refresh 🙂
0 Kudos
Hey all,

Regarding labeling and status there is ongoing conversation with UX and I decided to wait for the  final version. We'll change that once we have the info. Please bear with me.



0 Kudos

True, I found the root cause too. Will fix.



0 Kudos
Thanks Steffi.

As for the labelling, please see my comment from above, I'm expecting changes there.
0 Kudos
Hey Vadim,

We are not doing overnight batch jobs. (yuck) Should be close to real time.

There are some updates missing due to incomplete data. Fix for that is already in process. In the meanwhile I triggered an update for your answer, should be correct now.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Yes, this particular answer is updated, but other - not!

Sample from yesterday:


Hey all,

veselina.peykova nice reverse engineering as always... 😄

The root cause is that those 32 entries actually do not have the accepted attribute in the db. When you are calling the public API like this, e.g. from browser it will show the default value which is false. So in reality it is not false, it does not exist.

We are going to fix that and then the total numbers should be ok.



Active Contributor
By the way it was my idea 🙂




0 Kudos
Yes because I only updated that single one, not all. Yet.

Active Contributor

Looks like new answers with accepted status are now updating correctly and in time! Old ones are still waiting.

P.S. Now old ones are also updated!

Looks like the issue is solved!


0 Kudos
veselina.peykova jeremy.good steffi.warnecke the sorting by likes issue has been fixed. Please check again.
Active Contributor
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Thank you, it looks correct now.
Active Contributor
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Looks good to me, too. 🙂
Active Contributor
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I don't have enough entries in all categories for my own profile, but in the options I quickly looked over I am still seeing issues with:

  • Blog Posts by Likes up/dn -- not working?

  • Answers by Votes -- mathematical it is working but should we use absolute value on Votes?  I have one with -12 down votes, so technically it is less than zero, but in reality has the most activity

The originally reported CC sort by Likes is now working 🙂

I would suggest that the DEV/QA teams test/confirm all combinations to ensure full consistency in behavior.

0 Kudos

  1.  I don't see any problems with your blog post likes sorting. Gives correct results in both directions.

  2. Sum of votes and amount of activity are two different criteria, so no bug there.

The team does full QA testing and regression tests for every feature and deployment. Since only a small portion of the Coffee Corner discussions was affected, the issue with the sorting by likes did not appear during testing.
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I used the profiles of a few other members who have more blogs than me and I did not notice unusual sort result by likes. Maybe it will be easier for the team to investigate the problem if you can list specific examples?