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Hi Folks,

I have been nominated by  Blog It Forward - Jitendra Kansal for Blog it forward. Thanks Jitendra for the nomination.


My name is Nandakumar S with plenty of nick names Nandukku, Nandu, Nanda , Nandan, NKS, Nair, Kumaran...etc... :smile:

I have done Computer Engineering from Bangalore and started SAP career in 2010.Currently working as Sr.Software Engineer at Tech Mahindra,Bangalore with almost 4 years of experience in SAP ABAP.

My Family

Family pic taken while my brother's marriage happened in last april.

My Native

I was born and brought up in a small town called 'Chengannur' in Alleppey district, Kerala.

Kerala is also known as God's own country due to its splendid natural resources such as backwaters,beaches,mountains,forests..etc.

Facts about Kerala

  1. Kerala means “Land of coconuts” in the native language Malayalam.
  2. Kerala is the only state in India where Ayurveda is still a main stream medicine.
  3. Kerala backwaters are a maze like waterways running almost across the state. These are bordered by paddy fields, coconut trees and green foliage. It is definitely a unique geographic formation.
  4. Kerala is the first state in India to reach 100% literacy rate.
  5. Kerala is a state where you can see Asian elephants very commonly. Elephants are entwined with Kerala’s culture from ancient times.
  6. Life expectancy rate in Kerala is the highest in India.
  7. Kerala film industry released first 3D movie in India.

  Kerala dishes




  What do you most enjoy on SCN?


  •     Providing solutions by experts in a short span of time,
  •     Unity and cooperation of SCN members.

    What makes you smile/laugh?

    Being with my family and friends.

    Had you not been into software at all, where would you have been?

    Since am very much interested and having passion of driving, I would have been either a cab or rally driver :wink:

    What is the craziest thing you would have done in your life?


    Me and my friends stopped a running bus during school time by standing on the middle of the road for protesting against Not giving bus fare concession to students. :twisted:

    (I need a separate blog for the events happened after the incident  :cry: )

    What is your favorite sport?

     Cricket & football.

    My Questions

   1)  Steps you are taking to achieve your goals?

    2)  List your favorite blogs/documents in SCN


I would like to BIF to  abyson.joseph








Remember the rules of the game:

- Follow the Blog It Forward Chain in order to be updated when the people you blog it forward to post the links to their "Blog It Forward" blogs.

- Read Moshe's blog again to make sure you follow the rules in your own blog:

  • Provide an introduction to yourself
  • Provide a fun fact about your country or yourself
  • Add a cool picture of yourself or your homeland/town
  • Answer specific questions that were "Blog It Forward" to you
  • Answer 3-4 optional questions from the bank of questions provided below. Or choose to answer questions you make-up on your own.
  • Create 1-2 personalized  questions you would like to blog forward
  • List at least 2  people who you are blogging it forward to. Share why you choose them. Link to their SCN profile by typing @  and then their name (e.g @HisName).
  • Ask the community to follow the Blog It Forward Chain in order to be updated when the people you "Blog It Forward" to post the links to their "Blog It Forward" blogs.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Nanda,

Very nice blog. Good to know more about you and Kerala. Beautiful pictures.. :smile: .

For others to know he(Nanda) is standing on the extreme right in the family pic in maroon kurta :smile:



0 Kudos

Hi Kiran,

Thanks for reading and giving introduction :wink:



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Nanda,

Great Blog.. I am more curious about your second blog where you mentioned what happened next.. :wink:



0 Kudos

Hi Kannan,

Ya sure I will blog about the events happened after that....... :grin:



Former Member
0 Kudos

Gud one Nandu!! Awaiting ur next wrk!! :smile:

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

While I agree that this is a very good "BIF", please refrain from using SMS speak.

It was flagged by the moderators (our community doesn't like the use of it)

0 Kudos

Those are beautiful photographs of your country, especially the two in the middle. I would love to be standing where the photographer stood for those. Did you take them yourself?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Lovely Blog. Kerala is awesome place. I have been there for a week. Fantastic pictures :smile:

Good to know about you !!


0 Kudos

Thanks Marykay for your comment.

Yes there are lot of good places in India to explore. :smile:

0 Kudos

Thanks Nitin for reading and happy to know that you enjoyed stay in Kerala. :oops:

