Hi There,
Welcome back to Fieldglass features.
As a Fieldglass Product Adoption Executive in Australia – I manage a portfolio of 10-15 customers at any one point in time. Each customer is different with different program goals, operational, organis...
Hi There,
Welcome back to Fieldglass features.
As a Fieldglass Product Adoption Executive in Australia – I manage a portfolio of 10-15 customers at any one point in time. Each customer is different with different program goals, operational, organis...
Keeping the theme of features to help you in this candidate tight market as we ride the wave of the great resignation and record high employment rates - We’re looking at 2 of our features that utilise SAP Machine learning with the goal of saving you ...
As I’m doing the rounds talking with customers of their current challenges, there’s a consistent theme – a lack of candidates. The next few updates will be looking to address some of the features available in Fieldglass that you can utilise to tackl...
Hi Everyone,
So I was watching a video on youtube last night ("itchy boots",inspirring channel - give it a search!) whilst trying to get my daughter to sleep, and the presenter spoke of this vlogmas? Basically they were doing a video blog a day f...
hi Naresh, there is no current functionality to cancel an upload in progress. There is an enhancement request currently being reviewed to potentially introduce this feature in the future. If you provide me the buyer code I can add this as a supportin...
Hi Shivam,If this is for reporting purposes - would you not be better off creating a report rather than looking to set up an API?If you run report on base module SOW, i'd try looking at a number of fields such as:active SOW worker countSOW worker IDS...
Hi Pierpaolo,
Great post - he's a simmiar post i did on the same a while back if of interest - https://blogs.sap.com/2022/12/11/fieldglass-features-12-machine-learning-features-turbo-charge-your-candidate-selection-and-sourcing-processes/
Hi Shivam, Have you tried adding the field header to the connector "Supplier Invitation Text", populating the cells underneath and seeing if it's picked up?