Member since ‎2023 Apr 14

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I wanted to add a custom subscreen to this screen of BP. This new subscreen will check for duplicate Vendor/Customer based on some details. All the other solutions I found on the internet were for creating or changing the existing bp. Please suggest ...
I'm trying to pass the long text through the bapi 'BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA ' using a table of the structure 'BAPI_MLTX'. It has three records in it but after executing it all three texts are coming in one line. How to make them appear in a new line?
I want to display an alv report of an internal table which is dynamically generated. The problem is its not showing any output nor is it giving any syntax or runtime errors. Here is the code: TABLES : mara,t001l,mchb,marc.TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_int...
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