2023 Jun 06 12:03 PM
I wanted to add a custom subscreen to this screen of BP. This new subscreen will check for duplicate Vendor/Customer based on some details. All the other solutions I found on the internet were for creating or changing the existing bp. Please suggest me a BADI or any other solution
2023 Jun 06 12:33 PM
For what purpose do you want to add a tab, what do you want to display on this tab, what functions do you want to execute on it?
2023 Jun 06 12:45 PM
I have edited the original post. Basically I have to add a subscreen where I will check if a vendor or customer already exists or not.
2023 Jun 09 4:52 PM
You could start with the BAdI BUPA_INITIAL_SCREEN or Enhancement Spots ES_SAPLCPDI and a bit of debugging to find a way to modify the initial screen.