Hi Experts,
we have a requirement to map the return purchase order process to export functionality in GTS.
Does standard GTS functionality allows to create export declaration creation for return purchase order in S4. if so can you please guide m...
Hi Experts,
We are setting S4 embedded EWM and GTS interface for compliance checks. Could you please provide any documentation on how to start and do the configuration. S4 system is upgraded to latest version 2020.
We have a requirement to consolidate the line items while generating the form in export customs declaration. please let me know which badi /print program can be used for this and how to do this....
we have a requirement that the GTS system should check if two partners (Responsible person and check person) in import and export declaration should not be same. please let me know if we can do any configuration or do we need customize. please ...
Hi ,
Please let me know if we can consolidate the line items while creating export declaration in GTS based on certain criteria/conditions...
Hi Geoffrey, We are setting EWM (S4 hana embedded EWM) and GTS interface for compliance check. Can you please provide any documentation if you have on standard customization that we need to do both in S4 embedded EWM and GTS.Regards,Sagar.
Hi,Please let me know how we can create import customs declaration for domestic PO. please let me know which FM/BADI/Userexit we need to enhance?Regards,Sagar
Hi Dave,we are creating the import declaration manually. we are using the royalty indicator in ECC for vendor material combination. So the purchase order will be having /not having the indicator at line item level accordingly. so we want this royalt...