with MS AD is it possible to synchronize user accounts and passwords with SAP (ABAP) systems using 3rd party tools for instance.
Is there also something possible with Azure AD, without using MS AD. So direct l...
May 6th 2014 was a rather memorable day for the SAP department at the University of Amsterdam. At least that is how I see it. After 7 months of hard work we went live with ECC on HANA (known as Suite on HANA or SoH), just 4 months after going live wi...
Hi,we are running a NW7.40 SP7 portal and try to integrate the new Fiori applications that belong to the Business Suite but are unsuccessful. I'm not a Fiori expert but something has changed in the architecture. Launching Fiori apps directly from the...
Hi,we've upgraded our SAP ERP backend from ERP 6.05 on NW7.02 to ERP 6.07 on NW7.4. And we have NW Portal 7.02 connected to it for ESS/MSS scenarios. Since we do not wish to migrate to the new Java based ESS/MSS we have not upgraded the portal to NW7...
Hi,we are upgrading our SAP PI 7.11 tot 7.3 and the SAP upgrade manager fails with:Could not detect SAP JVM on the system. com.sap.sdt.j2ee.tools.sapjvm.SapJvmException: DIR_CT_SAPJVM is not set in the profile for instance DVEBMGS20 on host ciuxd.SAP...
This is a very interesting read especially since it covers the whole process that most SAP customers and partners go through when dealing with clean core ambitions on one hand and legacy developments on the other.
Hi,I have the same question. Apart from cost I think the key consideration should be the dependencies between the S/4HANA components on the same system. Eg Central Finance icw Access Control. It would be impossible to isolate the lifecycles then.