Hi,I am new to loyalty management. I wanted to know what is dynamic attributes which is linked to loyalty programs in loyalty management?I know its theoritical meaning but if any one could explain with an practical example then it would be really hel...
Hi @Siddhant04 ,What was the need for using RPA here? I don't get it... Couldn't you just simply call ECC/ERP backend webservice/rest-endpoint using cloud connector from CPI to update the contact name in ERP? I saw you already get the contact name in...
@LiewJunYan Thanks for sharing the steps. I was facing error when my config steps missed the scope entity definition in SAP Integration suite. Thanks to your step 3, I was able to find the fix for it.Just an FYI...there was a blog published a few mon...
@Prakashd : This is cool!!! Very Intutive and Minimalistic interface.May be one more feature request there for the future... You can think about also adding Base64 encoding decoding in the same add-in. This is also quite handy in the CPI.
@JoEng Thanks for this wonderful series on C4C V2 extensibility possibilities. I have again few questions. You wrote on this blog post, "We support two types of Mashups. Simple IFrames and Web Components.". Do you already have an example about what i...
Dear @lloyd_goveia ,Unfortunately, video is still not accessible. I tried accessing it using https://sapvideo.cfapps.eu10-004.hana.ondemand.com/?entry_id=1_zu1o64u0, and I was unable to load it. Can you pls check one more time?FYI...https://video.sap...