I'm modifing a screen enhancement of CO01 production order create. I added a field zpro of type C(1). First as a plain input field and it worked. Then I converted it to dropdown and it not working in: 1.The selected value not catched .2. If I press e...
I have a requirement for MIRO.
After entering PO number in Reference field xblnr, The PO item table in PO reference tab will be filled automatically. To do this ,I want to use BADI mrm_header_check for it . But how to get the trigger field xbln...
I wrote below code.
LOOP AT kstar_t TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WHERE kstar <= '89999999' AND kstar >= '8000000' .
I want to check in table kstar_t whether exist data in some range. But it has er...
I 'm writng a program. First I query fields WTGXXX and objnr from cosp_bak. Then for each line I search csks with same objnr and filled func_area field.
Suppose data in cosp_bak like below:
WTG001 WTG002 WTG003 WTG004 WTG005 WTG006 WTG007 WTG008 ...
@c12b61ded10b4e18beae75c3b6218d2c. Thx. But looks like this badi only called once. I checked another MRM_HEADER_CHECK is called after ref number is entered. But how do I get which dynpro field trigger this BAdi?
@sandra.rossi IThx for comment .The data in gt_alv are fetched from an oracle db through dbco. I need add $% because the product_id may be "0022A" and in prps I want to fetch all those contain 0022A such as "0021A/0022A".
@sandra.rossi. Ok. Looks like the reason is I didn't add @ to the currmonth. But normally when I miss an @, the error message is "all hosts must be escaped with @" but this one the error msg is "unknow column currmonth until runtime"
@frdric.girod. Thx. But how to do the exception for not local domain? For local I wrote *mycompany.com then how to write for the outsider email address?
Yes.Before we did has two clients in dev server open for development. But why this CDS activation error occurred even we did't include it in our transport request and is there a way to fix it?