Hi everybody,
In S/4 HANA systems SAP recommends to use the API class CL_MD_BP_MAINTAIN to maintain business partners instead of using the old BAPIs.
The usage of the class differs quite a lot from the existing BAPIs, because there's only one import...
Good morning,
I've created 3 CDS views to cover a header/item relationship.
CDS view for header:
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZTXIFHEADER'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AbapCatalog.preserveKey: true
Dear all,
We have a S/4 HANA STE (on premise) system which is connected to CPI via Cloud Connector.We are able to call e.g. a SOAP service in S/4 via CPI.
But how do we handle the following scenario?S/4 On premise <-SOAP-> CPI <-SOAP-> 3rd Party ...
Hi there,
just switching to ABAP ADT development.
One thing that really bothers me (although it's a small detail):
In SE80 I was used to add comment lines like
But now i...
Great blog! Thanks.In order to avoid all the ASSIGN COMPONENT xyz commands in the IF_REST_RESOURCE~POST method, I'd propose the following approach: METHOD if_rest_resource~post.
BEGIN OF ty_data,
Never used the report painter, but I guess it's pretty old stuff and very limited.I guess it's better to display the data in a tree via class CL_SALV_TREE.Maybe you can have a look at this thread:https://answers.sap.com/questions/13896149/how-can-i-g...
We also have an include in an enhancement.If I set a break-point there it stops there as well...I'm afraid you're implicit enhancement is not called at all.Are you sure that it should be processed?