swia.pngswia-log.pnggraph.pngI am new to Workflow and got a new requirement for a workflow. The requirement is Leave Management system for a new location, i had to copy a existing workflow and make an actor or approver increased and approval methods ...
Hi All,
When i am hiring for company code 1000 and others which is already existing using PA40, after entering Mandatory fields when i click on enter its asking me for save. I have saved the entry and immediately its getting saved in Infotypes PA00...
HI All,
I am trying to download Multiple Student Fee Receipt in a single spool, for example i took two student details and try to download it. I passed DFKKOP-GPART DFKKOP-OPBEL got the final internal table with all details. but while trying to dow...
Hi All,
I am using the FM 'FKK_AMOUNT_CHECK_AND_CONVERT' for converting the currency, when i am trying the FM in report program i am getting the desired output. But when used inside the method of a class for triggering the Workflow mail. The FM is ...
Hi All,
I have created a SNRO object for Number Range Creation. Sharing the screenshots for the object, when i tried to trigger this through "NUMBER_GET_NEXT". Getting error as Interval '01' does not exist, need help.
In Multiple condition, one is 'error' which is working fine. for other is statusand Approval. if status is withdrawn then its a different condition, in my scenario the status value is sent and "Approval" Approval value is "X". then if all the conditi...
Hi MukeshI was debugging it, but was able to see that after 'commit' statement the values were getting updated in infotypes. Could not find a place were exactly were the Lock Indicator was getting passed.Thanks,Sudhan
And the FM which i have used is a standard FM which was already available for currency separator and IMPORT and EXPORT type CHAR, that was the reason why i have used this FM.
Yes, those are two independent objects. The Class Method was already available and the workflow was triggering perfectly, my scenario was to add the CURRENCY separator wherever amount is displayed. So used the Above mentioned FM to convert and why i ...