Usage: This is particularly useful when working with RAP based service with manual implementation of actions in Fiori elements app.manual RAP action call: We can use invokeaction method of extension API in Fiori elements template or using callfunctio...
Problem Statement:
Dates behaves differently for different timezones. When we read data from backend for some timezones it is observed that date is getting reduced by 1.
Note: Here I know from backend service I must get data for 27th June 2022 for W...
This is my first blog on UI annotations/Local annotations.
There two ways we can write annotations.
Using CDS views
Using annotation modler in webide
We can overwrite the annotations coming from backend cds view using annotation modler.
In th...
hi ,
requesting you help on below problem.
I have only one entityset in myproject, and no navigation.
I want to delete multiple entries from custom table using create_deep_entity method. I am testing it through gateway client method POST, cont...
I am doing a table binding/live binding. I have 7 columns in table.
when I unselect primarykey(i.e EMPID) from column selection and hit ok-> the remaining columns are displayed with the data. see settings1.jpg display1.jpg
hi Spandana,I am getting below error, after modifying arg section.Error: Failed to load Fiori Launchpad Sandbox configuration from /appconfig/fioriSandboxConfig.json: status: error; error:and after tile click below error is coming(Failed to load UI5 ...
hi,As i said earlier i don't have navigation in my project. So i was passing just array of items.but still i tried below. Can you please checkpic6.jpgpic7.jpgThanks,Chandra.
hi Vaibhav,pic5.jpgThe above payload is triggering the breakpoint in the method GROUPLISTSET_CREATE_ENTITY(because i have single record in the json payload).The only problem is when i have array of records in the payload. And /IWFND/ERROR_LOG doesn't...