Member since ‎2014 Feb 14

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  • 116 Posts
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Hi expertCan you disable/change "Line Item Settlement" field (XOPVW) on an asset master that was created when the class config was incorrectly set to AUC "Line Item Settlement"?My client has created a large number of assets, while the asset class was...
Hi expertsAny ideas as to how to perform a fast inter-company asset transfer?We are "componentising" assets (breaking a large singular asset up) into smaller assets with correct useful lives using a transfer (transaction code ABUMN), from old histori...
Hi expertsWhat is preventing us from capturing accumulated depreciation via AS91?We are attempting to take on historic assets into the fixed asset register via AS91, but when we do, the accumulated depreciation field is greyed out.If we use "Ord. Dep...
Hi asset expertIs there a way to specify accumulated depreciation at the point of capitalising an asset?My client disposed of an asset in prior years and has recently discovered it. They can't reverse the disposal (due to a number of closed financial...
Hi expertsHow can I call a custom function module from LSMW?We have written a custom function module to perform some complex calculations for an interface, but now need to execute the same function module multiple times in a large batch directly in S...