Hello.Function module BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN. For each entry in the table of material codes submitted to the input:1. add entries to the IT_METHODS table:REFNUMBER = serial number of the table of material codes, OBJECTTYPE = “COMPONENT”, METHOD = “C...
Hello.Yes, using MEASUREM_DOCUM_RFC_SINGLE_001 you only can create new Notification with Mes.doc. simultaneously.
Unfortunately, you have to update IMRG-WOOBK field.BR, Evgeny
Hello.1. Here i found Classic BAdIs GOS_SRV_REQUEST and GOS_SRV_SELECTMaybe try to search in se19 GOS*2. Try to find enh spots in standart class for GOS (cl_gos_manager etc.)BR, Evgeny
Hello.Based on prefix 'Z' in error code - your message is custom realisation from your abap-ers.Try to find it where-used list in t-code se91.Message class = ZB, messages number 021.BR, Evgeny
Hello Thank you for detailed description!Please refer below link for the Detail Execution steps of Pooled Asset.https://blogs.sap.com/2019/08/12/pool-asset-process-steps/ Link don’t work.