Member since ‎2015 Jun 28

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  • 55 Posts
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Hi Expert, While entering the read through EL28 in SCM, consumption should be converted in MMBbtu by taking average GCV of that billing month but system is only picking last day's GCV of the month. Does anyone know where is the issue? Thanks in...
Hi All, Need your quick help. While changing location of device location through ES66 device valid from date (DATAB) is getting changed to current date, Can someone please suggest me how to resolve it? Thanks Veer
Hi Guys, Connection obj and Dev locations numbers are starting with question mark, any idea how to fix it?
Hi Guru, I have to update location of device location during full installation. I'm using BAPI_FUNCLOC_CHANGE, Could anyone please let me know what are all the parameters need to be pass in order to make it working. Regards Veer
Hi Expert, Can someone please help me here. I have some query regarding AMI- 2 tier Architecuture system , I know the configuration 3 tier system and how it works but dont know about 2 tier system, can someone please answer the below questions. ...
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