Member since ‎2011 Sep 21

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Has any one installed BODS in AWS? We have installation on-premises but wondering if we need a different license if we have to install on cloud or is there a way to move BODS image from on-prem to cloud? or anyone connected BODS remotely through cl...
Hi, Wondering if someone can guide me in right direction. - Is there a place to find out what all adapters BODS have and how compatible it is to connect to other sytems? - Understand that it shouldn't have problem connecting with SAP systems but ...
I have a requirement to compare source table to target table and handle inserts, updates and deletes accordingly. We can use table comparison to do it but.. what I am looking for is there a generic process in BODS where I can pass the table nam...
Hi, I have a requirement to write table data into xml. I am trying to find out how to omit null values from writing on the xml. As per the xml schema definition there are few attributes which either of them needs to be populated. For example:Attribut...
Wondering if there is a way to find out when the job was last modified or deployed into production using metadata tables in BODS. My requirement is to find the job in my local repo is of the same version of my production repo. I don't have access to ...
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