When I post a new feedback or bug, I can tick below the title to mark the discussion as a question.But When I go to edit the post, it does not allow me to edit this.
When I was navigating from the page "Participating in Open Beta" to "visit the SCN Beta Feedback Process page" I got an error message for SSO as below: jive SSO Error "An error occured while attempting authentication through single sign on"However I ...
T77S0 configuration notesGroup for semantic PLOGI - semantic abbreviation configuration and usePLOGIPD-PA integration is switched on when this has a plan version e.g. 01If it is blank, the integration is switched off.Note: Version number 01 is common...
Standard practice for customizingPurpose is to have a uniform procedure across the organization and avoid future problems as much as possible.Standard SAP objects including schemas and PCRs may be copied to customer object name range like Yxxx or Zxx...
I'm an old school SAP HR (functional) consultant. I can understand how there would be several SAP HR customers, who may like the on premise capability; but they still may need to be able to use the cloud also, provided there's enough security.I've e...
Use Balasubramanian's approach.You can use google to find answers. Not every answer may satisfy your needs. Even withing your company, one ESG needs may be different from another.
Use one screen if the requirement for one or more countries is same. Group one or more countries that have the same requirement.For example one country may use the convention First name, Middle name, Surname (or family name). Another may have a dif...