When you get the following error in MAXDB:C *** ERROR => Connect to database failed, rc = -10709 (Connectionfailed (RTE:Database name is missing))Please logon as user SAPService<SID> and check the xuser list and see if the Dbname is wrong.xuser -c S...
As of SAP release 6.20, work area is defaulted to "global".The work area can be changed as follows:1) If you as a user prefer to be in Standard mode the entire time, you might set this permanently. System->User profile->Own data->Parameter Ente...
You want to suppress the requests notification when sending the emails, you configured in transaction SCOT for the SMTP Settings as follows but it does not work:
When you send E-mails to the recipient, in Outlook the recipient will receive th...
You've got the following issue:
When display the output in transaction SP01/SP02, the list is displayed as ALV Grid.
And you want it to back to default display method - ABAP List.
How to solve it?
Case 1: Only some users...
Writing a blog doesn’t really seem like something I would do. I tried to think some things.I should try to write something down here. So here it goes.Enjoy.
If you want to create a lot of document info records you can try to check transaction SXDA for example. With transaction SXDA you can also create document info records in the background. For further information see the SAP note 817743.
If the storage reaches a filling degree of at least 70%, the repository status in transaction CSADMIN changes from "running" or "offline" to "data(xx%) log(xx%)" or "data(xx%)" depending on the storage type (SAPDB or Filesystem).The suspension of a d...
You can set the user name and password via transaction SICF -> /default_host/sap/bc/contentserver -> tab Logon Data.Read note/KBA:685521 - Logon data for service /sap/bc/contentserver2827260 - Configuration steps for /sap/bc/contentserver service