Situation Handling is SAP S/4HANA functionality provided to bring certain circumstances (situations) to the attention of a relevant group of business users. This allows for the proactive notification to the needed folks for a situation that has arise...
Can anyone enlighten me on the differences between SAP Enterprise Architecture Designer and SAP Power Designer?
In particular I am very interested to hear which solution is on SAP's future road map for providing EA functionality...
As described in document it states that I can create a free trial in the Frankfurt region.
When I created a free trial it was for the US ...
Situation Handling is SAP S/4HANA functionality provided to bring certain circumstances (situations) to the attention of a relevant group of business users. This allows for the proactive notification to the needed folks for a situation that has arise...
How does this relate to SAP Logistics Business Network where Carriers and Freight Forwarders already have a portal and B2B connectivity to load this data?
I am not aware that you are not able to create a custom event to be triggered out of ECC. If you create a custom event in SWO1 and then configure it to be sent, it should be... At least that was our experience when we POC'd it.
Also look at Freight Unit Type and setting in "Execution Track. Relevance" - set to be tracked
with SAP EM and verify that the “Execution Tracking Relevance” setting is set to
“Execution Tracking with External Event Management”
You certainly can create an expected event without setting a date / time - see the example screen shot that Arun provided. This can be configured in the Expected Event Profile or in the Expected Event extractor of the AOT. As Arun mentioned, if these...