Customers and Partners are asking me frequently how to analyze problems related to SMP3 or HPms. Because we were running in such a problem recently I will share here how we handled this kind of situations. Problem:Offline Synchonization (using OData ...
X.509 Authentication in Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 AppsIn the last months I was involved in several projects where a hybrid application (based on Cordova and SAP's Kapsel plugins) should use client certificates (X.509 certificate) to authenticate agai...
Hybrid Application Development with Visual Studio
Hybrid Application Development with Visual Studio
Creating Cordova App in Visual Studio
Adding Kapsel plugins
IntroductionAs you might heard Visual Studio is now also...
Using Fiddler as Reverse Proxy
Using FiddlerScript to rewrite HTTP Responses
For a long time I was using Membrane Monitor to monitor and trace the client-server communication between my (mobile) devices and a server (usually servers like SA...
Hi Florence,
if you use the rule-based certificate mapping, you do not need to specify each user individually. You can see that also in the screenshot above (
The rule conatins ......
I agree with you both. A cumulative log view for clustered environments would be great.But as mentioned this tool is (in the current state) more targeting on development and sandbox systems. These environments are usually anyway not clustered...
Actually Nagesh is describing it correctly and his example is a good example. It does not matter if the sent header is called "Authorization" or (like in your case) X-SUP-DOMAINYour last configuration screenshot should be fine:ClientHTTPValues To Sen...
Hi Kalyani, it seems that you are using an outdated mechanism. Is there a reason why you are not using the up-to-date API, which is available in the SMP SDK?Please use the OData API for creating Online, Occasionally Offline and Offline Apps. This ODa...