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Member since ‎2006 Oct 28

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Hi Friends,I want to create an XML File on Windows system using Open Dataset, But my application server is on it is not generating the file.if the application server is on windows , file is generating on windows system perfectly.ex: //10.2.2...
Dear All,I want the system variable (system date in the variant).iam creating a job on daily basis. In selection screen i have to pass system date. other then that i have different values which are static.If i select the variant, todays date should g...
Dear All, We have an ALE-IDOC scenario in which our IDOC gets posted in the destination system with status 51 as per business reqt. We schedule a job in the background using program RBDMANI2 which is used to manually reprocess IDOCS in error. ...
Dear All,I have a Z table , and table maintanance for that table.When i open few records in it which are in negetive, it goes to Dump as one field contains negetive values. ( 0.40- )Screen name.............. "SAPLZTABLE"Screen number............ 0001...
Hi,i am new to HR.can any one send me Indian payroll configuration k.santhoshreddy in gmailregards.santhosh reddy