Member since ‎2019 Jan 09

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Storage Location (Warehouses) in FSM are important to the technician during the consumption of the material and posting the goods movement to S4. Considering FSM company(country), there can be multiple warehouses that belong to different regions acro...
The special stocks are stocks that are not owned by the company but belongs to customer or one which is not stored at a regular store location. Some of the examples include consignment stock, sales order stock and project stock. Here, lets understa...
In service process, an organization as a service provider, provides services to its customers. In order to complete work, organization requires materials from warehouse or procured from vendor directly. A planner assigns the required components to th...
Overview: Coresystems AG is a software company which provides field service and workforce management solutions for technicians and business. SAP has acquired Coresystems-field service management recently (announced on 5th June, 2018) to integrate int...