The special stocks are stocks that are not owned by the company but belongs to customer or one which is not stored at a regular store location.
Some of the examples include consignment stock, sales order stock and project stock.
Here, lets understand the use of project stock for consumption by technician through FSM app.
The project stocks are special stocks that are related to a project in SAP S/4HANA. These stocks are allocated to a work breakdown structure (WBS) element. The quantities from these stocks can be withdrawn only through the WBS element. The project stocks can be valuated or non-valuated in a store location.
For FSM consumption, the E4C connector provides the setup to assign the WBS element associated to storage location and plant. This setup needs to be created before the stocks are generated in S4 MM.
In E4C connector, each company is defined for a specific country code in S/4HANA. The project storage location entry for respective company Id needs to be created in E4C warehouse.
Let us consider an example for a plant P001 for company 0001, having a storage location AA01. The project WBS element WBS-P0001-01.
Go to the T.code : /PACG/ECM_WRHOUSE and click on ‘New Entries’.
View of E4C Warehouse
- Enter the details of the company, plant, storage location and WBS element.
Creation of new entry
- Save the entry.
Saved entry
- This storage location should be sent to FSM to be visible to the technician.To send the storage location, go to t.code - /PACG/ECM_WRHOUSESND.

To send the project stock warehouse to FSM
Please note: A new entry is required to be created for the main storage location without WBS element, in order to receive the stocks from main location from S4 to FSM. An entry for AA01 for the company 0001 can be created without the WBS element.
For goods movement from FSM to S4,set the movement type in connector for company ID and plant to movement type 261 which will post the material document to S4. The tcode to set is /PACG/ECM_IWLON. The special stock indicator need not be checked here.
The check boxes for “Send Stocklvl” and “Send MatDoc” is required to be checked.

Movement type defined for company and plant
Once the storage location is defined in the connector, material stocks generated in MM Module will be automatically triggering the IDOCS to FSM.
For a valuated material MC100001 with valuation type N, stocks will be added to the WBS element that belongs to the storage location AA01 in the unrestricted-use. This means that the available stocks will be present in the storage location AA01, but the stocks will be related to the project WBS-P0001-01.
Shows the stock in project location
The IDOCs will automatically be triggered when the stocks are added to the items and stock quantities will be visible in FSM upon next sync of the device.
In FSM, the material can be visible in Items & Stocks section. On viewing the stock information, the WBS element along with the quantities is visible to the technician.
Stock information in FSM
- Technician can plan for the consumption of the material for an activity by navigating into the activity and selecting the ‘+’ create material.
Technician can choose the storage location and the material and consume it.
Details of consumed material
After sync, the material consumption reaches S4 and material document will be created for the service order.
The material document will have the movement type 261 Q for indicating the consumption from Special stock and the WBS element will be available to show the consumption from the project stock location.
In this way FSM can handle the project stock consumption by showing the project store location as an additional warehouse to the technician.
Akhila Nayak