Hello All,
I am trying to access process visibility application via CPI and I am receiving the error "Error determining metadata contracts". Below are the parameters I am using for the Oauth2 credentials. Could you please let me know if anything ne...
Hello All,
I am working with a trial cloud foundry account and process visibility instance. When I try to push event data using Post API /rest/v1/data-acquisition/data, the data gets acquired successfully (204) but nothing is updated in the Event A...
Hello experts,
I am new to UI5 programming. I am using the same manifest file in a webIDE project and eclipse project.I have changed the ID and rootview details accordingly. However, eventhough it works in webIDE I am getting a blank page in eclips...
Hello All,
I would like to write a whitepaper. Could you please help out the relevant links / details for submission, approval, format etc. I verified some of the existing articles and the links don't work as expected.
Thank you.
Hello All,I have created a report which call BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEDAT1 inside a loop and displays the result as an alv.When ever I click back on my alv , a blank screen appears and then on another back i get my selection screen. If i comment my bapi...
Hello Archana,Could you please let me know if the issue with the Europe trial has been resolved? I am creating a new cloud foundry trial account, however, there is no option to create a US10 trial subaccount. EU10 is the only option available. Thank ...
Hi Meghna,
In case of non xml input and iterating splitter with type as line break - it wouldn't have the header; so, shouldn't the total number of records be 4 excluding the header (A B C D).Could you please clarify.
Thank you,
Thank you Archana. Sure, let me do that. However, if my trial expires, would the configuration done on PV service / application be lost? Can you please confirm."Once your account has expired, your applications may be stopped and you will not be able ...
Hello Archana,I have been using the process visibility service for a while now to try out various integration options but from yesterday I am unable to access any of the scenarios I had configured. It fails with the error "An error occurred while pro...