It can be frustrating when your accounts payable department comes to you wondering whether something's wrong with a withholding tax posting, and it can be even worse if such an inquiry comes from a customer. This can mean extensive checking and cross...
We're proud to let you know that your User Assistance teams in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition are standing by and ready to work with you. The SAP Customer Engagement Initiative (CEI) enables our users and partners to provide us with important feedb...
We're proud to let you know that your User Assistance teams in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition are standing by and ready to work with you. The SAP Customer Engagement Initiative (CEI) enables our users and partners to provide us with important feedb...
We wanted to let you know about a couple of changes that your G/L accountants may notice within the Tax Declaration Reconciliation app.And, as with so many things, a picture is worth a thousand words, so I’ll double that up and give you two in sequen...
We're proud to let you know that your User Assistance teams in SAP S/4HANA Cloud are standing by and ready to work with you. The SAP Customer Engagement Initiative (CEI) enables our users and partners to provide us with important feedback on our prod...
Thank you for your question. I'm sorry that this went unanswered for this long, but perhaps I can help some.Tax calculation procedures are set at the country level. not the company code level. This means that you can't use a mix of internal and exte...
Hi @lamtqIn part, it depends on where you would want to use the model. The “G/L Account Not Used” flag is indeed used in the Implementation Status feature, and it determines whether an account is transported into your production system, so for any mo...
@romain0511Thank you for your question. The issue here is that you have tax-relevant postings in your production system. This is why you can't change the tax procedure yourself, because if you were to change the tax procedure, you could generate pote...