Hi Nuno,
Thank you for your detailed answer. You have highlighted a very important added value of your approach, which I would like to emphasise again. You call it "self sustained", with the description that no manual steps are necessary to export t...
Hey denys.kempen
in addition to the certification you mentioned, we now also have a dedicated learning journey + certification for SAP Build Work Zone. It would be awesome if you could add them to your blog.
I must admit that I always read your blogs with great anticipation rajaprasad.gupta! Great that you are educating readers extensively about our SAP Build Services this time.
In addition, I would like to take up our integration idea and add to the co...
Hi Nuno,
very well-structured blog. I also loved seeing the "integration" of CI/CD pipeline with SAP Cloud Integration artifacts!
To complete Naresh's question, I would like to point out that there is even a pipeline template for Integration Suite ...