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Transports in PI7.1

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I am trying to change the change list name in the Transportable tab in the PI7.1 environment which is Standard Change List by default.

But unable to do so.

Can you please help me on this.



Edited by: Gayatri Deshpande on Dec 19, 2011 10:39 AM

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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I am trying to change the change list name in the Transportable tab in the PI7.1 environment which is Standard Change List by default.

But unable to do so.

I am trying to change the change list name

right click on change list -> Open -> in menu bar select "ChangeList" -> Click on Edit -> change the name -> Remove Default list from the change list (if not need)


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Unfortunately, once you have activated the change list you can no longer rename the change list. If you really wanted to have a good name for the change list, edit the objects again from the actiavted changelist (without changing anything- just edit and save) so a new change list will be created. Then you can rename the change list.

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Hi Bhavanisankar,

Thanks for your reply.

The change list is in Transportable tab.

right click on change list -> Open -> in menu bar select "ChangeList" -> Click on Edit -> change the name -> Remove Default list from the change list (if not need)

I cannot do this as all the options are disabled.

Can you please help me?



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Hi Jenny,

Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately, once you have activated the change list you can no longer rename the change list. If you really wanted to have a good name for the change list, edit the objects again from the actiavted changelist (without changing anything- just edit and save) so a new change list will be created. Then you can rename the change list.

Actually,I have the following scenerio

One IDoc is there in say change list1

One XSd is there say in change list2 one mapping is there which is using IDoc in change list1 and XSD in change list2.

Now when I try to activate the IDoc simply by clicking on the Display/Edit button is is showing to be non editable.How can I make it editable without reimporting it.

Also,as the latest and the active version of the IDoc and XSD are present in the mapping,if I transport the mapping and not the IDoc and the XSD,then will it work?

Please help me on this?



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Once Activated, we canu2019t change the name of change list .

if we want to change the name of change list , whatever you activated those are re edit and activated thatu2019s all.


Also,as the latest and the active version of the IDoc and XSD are present in the mapping,if I transport the mapping and not the IDoc and the XSD,then will it work?

yes it is working , if we having latest version of idos under imported objects and xsd in external definitions in your scenario.

NO, how it is working, if there are no latest versions of xsd and Idoc because those are using in mapping , how it is Reflected .


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Hi Gayatri,

Do you really have to put the XSD, Mapping, and iDoc in 1 Changelist? If you are just concerned on how will it be transported, you can just release the activated changelist for CTS/CMS transport. Click right click on the transportable changelist and select the release option. Then for the open changelist, activate it and release as mentioned previously.

If you wanted to have these 3 objects in 1 Changelist (with the desired change list name), you have to reimport the iDoc. If the system creates a new changelist (Standard Changelist name) aside from the open changelist that you already have (My changelist), you may just drag the object to your changelist (My changelist).

I hope this helps.



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Thanks for the replies.

The scenerio is like this

In the Transportable tab

Change List1:IDoc

Change List2:XSD

Change List3:Mapping using both IDoc in Change list1 and XSD in Change list2.

If I transport the Change list3 that is only mapping then will it work as it consists of the latest active versions of both IDoc and XSD.

I can reactivate the XSD and mapping but while reimporting the IDoc I am getting some issues like this

There are following options while importing IDoc

Logon:Working fine

Select Objects:The search otpion is not working but manual selection is working,means working fine

But when I select the IDoc,one of the 2 following cenerios occur

1.Either I do not get the IDoc listed in the selected IDocs list or

2.Along with the selected IDoc some other Object also appears,in this case if I delete the unwated IDoc maintaining only the selected one ,will it work?

Please help me on this



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I solved it by wimple activating the objects again and creating the new change lists.

Thanks all,


Answers (3)

Answers (3)

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Hi Gayatri,

Is the change list still open? If yes, double click the Change List name and the change list will be displayed in the window. Click the pencil icon or the edit button and Rename the Change List name.



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Hi Phani and Jenny,

Thanks for your quick replies.

The change list in the open tab is activated and is in the transportable tab.

But I cannot change the change list name in the Transportable tab.

Can you please help me on this?



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Check below link.

How To ... Configure Enhanced CTS for SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 SP06

