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SQL Database Login failure

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I'm getting a SQL database login failure on one customer after many successful installations at other customers. My app uses OLE DB (ADO) database type with the SQLOLEDB provider to access the database. I create the table logon info structure internally in my app and use that to connect the Crystal Report for.Net framework to the database. I've verified that the server name is correct and the database allows access from SQL Management Studio and from the rest of my app, which uses VB SQL connection objects. But on this one customer I get a "Database Login" prompt when the Crystal Report is run. The prompt shows the correct user name and password. When I hit "Login" the login fails (as it failed internally leading to the dialog being shown in the first place).

Anyone have any idea on what's going on here? Any idea on where else to look? I suspect some software the customer is running is interfering somehow with Crystal Reports. But I don't have any idea of what to check for. Any help will be appreciated.

Jon Webb

PEP Systems, Inc.

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You can create a UDL file to check the database connectivity in your client's machine.

To do this you need to create a txt file and change the extention from txt to udl. Double click on the udl file and select the provider and then the database and test the connection. It would tell you if there is any issue with the connectivity with your database.

Also you need to make sure that you are not changing any schema of the report.
