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Show link

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear experts.

I have the following requirement.

I have a role created in the portal content with two iviews of type URL that show two services(link in the page area). The first iview have content with language Spanish(For employee of Fmexico) and the other with language English(USA). The URLs are differents.

The company have employee for USA and Mexico. They want that when an employee of mexico login in the portal only the system show the link with the iview of language spanish and the other link not is showed.(hide).

How can do this?



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0 Kudos

Dear Juan,

Let me correct if I am wrong. As I understand your requirement, The iview with spanish content should be shown only for Mexico users and iview with English content should be visible only for USA users.

I would suggest you the following.

1. Create two roles, say Maxico_Role and USA_Role.

2. Assign the iview with Spanish content to Maxico_Role and iview with English content to USA_Role.

3. Now Assign Maxico_Role to Maxico users and USA_Role to USA users.

By this, Maxico users can only iview with spanish content and USA users can view only iview with english content.

Please let me know if you have any query.


Rajendra Kielka

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Juan,

I agree with Rajendra, as this would be the simplest of ways to achieve your requirement. However, I would like to add that you should also merge the two roles and its related objects so that if any user (or super user) would like to see both the languages, he/she can do so with ease.

