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SAP B1 Web client does not show print layout same as SAP Client

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Dear SAP Export,

Now I am testing the Web Client (SAP 10.0 FP2111) and I found when I preview print report on Web Client. The layout list that shows on Web Client has less than SAP Client. I did not see the layout that I wanna preview in the layout list on Web Client. 

How do I make the layout list show on Web Client same as SAP Client?

Best regards,

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Web Client supports Crystal report layout only, you need to convert from PLD layout to Crystal report layout to use in web client environment.

Hope this helps,


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Hi SonTran,

The report was created by Crystal Report. I am wondering when I preview the report from the SAP client I saw a lot of Crystal report in the list but when I open the preview layout from WebClient, it shows only 2 reports in the list. 

I try to import the new Crystal report from SAP client, still cannot see that report on Web Client.

I asked the ChatGPT and it recommended for option Available for Web Client that I cannot see this option even I try to use on SAP 10 2402. 

Any idea for this?